Chapter 40. No sleep.

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You said you'd go to sleep when you finished what you were watching

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You said you'd go to sleep when you finished what you were watching. Guess you jinxed yourself, because it had been a few hours and you were still up.

So, you decided to go for a walk, maybe you shouldn't try to sneak out right now with the league and everything else going on.

You got out of bed, grabbed your phone and slipped your spiderman slippers back on, you also put a hoodie on.

Walking out of your room you were trying to be as quiet as possible, not to wake anyone as it had gone 1am already.

You'd walked down the steps to the garden and then just started to wonder around it, it was pretty. However, you were distracted when you heard the familiar deep voice of shinso.

"Fancy seeing you here." He chuckled, grinning at you from afar.

"Shinso, Oh my god get over here!" You said, smiling back, you shot a web at his purple hoodie and slung him over to you within a second.

You pulled him into a hug and released your web, he wrapped his arms around you, and asked,

"Miss me that much?"

"Shut up." You said, pulling away from the hug, atleast you tried, but failed as he pulled you back in.

"Not getting away so soon." He sighed, "Shit spider, you stress me out." He said lowly.

"Don't blame me for getting kidnapped," You said on his shoulder before actually pulling away, "it's not my fault everyone wants me." You shrugged jokingly.

He laughed along and raised his arms in defence as you both walked to the bench that was in the middle of the garden.

"You know I was actually going to talk to you tomorrow, well, today. How come your up so late? And outside?"  You asked him.

"I could ask you the same question," he said smugly, but when you gave him a 'serious' look he continued, "ah well, I don't get much sleep. You haven't noticed?" He asked, referring to the dark circles under his eyes, "anyway, while I was up I saw you walking around from the 1C dorms, I wasn't sure wether you were sleepwalking so I decided to check it out for myself."

"Awh your such a gentleman." You said sarcastically.

After talking for a while you both decided it would be good for you to get back to your dorms so that you did.

It was almost 3am now and you were saying your goodbyes, thinking about the deep talk, I mean could it get deeper then explaining how it felt being kidnapped?

As you were walking back, in the pitch black, your spidey senses jolted you and looking up toward the roof, you saw that familiar purple glow again, somebody all in black and purple crouched on the roof.

We're you seriously being followed? You quickly rushed inside, not wanting to have an encounter with the mystery guy who seemed to keep appearing wherever you were.

Since going to camp, being kidnapped by the lov, being back home and then moving into dorms were the main events in your life at the moment, you hadn't seen him a lot, and you had completely forgotten about your interactions with him.

Why was his outfit so familiar? Where had you seen that purple glow from before?

"Don't stress it y/n just go back in and go to sleep, figure it out tomorrow" you said to yourself in your head, as you walked up the steps and finally pushed open the doors to the dorms.

You managed to get a few hours of sleep when you got back, so you weren't too tired.

When the morning did come, you realised your usual routine would need a little.. switch up.

Still in your pyjamas, you met the girls and you all got ready together, brushing teeth, styling hair, light makeup, you know, the usual. And with all the girls getting ready together it was like the morning of a sleepover, just gossiping and listening to music.

Once you were ready you walked over to Mina who was touching up on some mascara,

"Ugh girl your lashes are so long" you said to her, resting your head on her shoulder from behind, she then turned to you,

"Don't even. Yours are perfect, they literally look unrealll!" She emphasised,

And you carried on talking like girls as you walked out to eat breakfast with the rest of your class.

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