Colossal Mistake

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Kairon blinked the sleep from his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the window of their humble abode. With a start, he realized he had slept in, which jolted him out of his daze. Quickly, he rose from the bed, a sense of urgency propelling him into action. As he dressed, his mind raced with thoughts of the day ahead. There were patients to attend to, poultices to create, and ailments to alleviate. However, even amidst the flurry of his responsibilities, a nagging feeling tugged at the corners of his mind, a sense of unease that he couldn't quite shake.

With practiced efficiency, Kairon gathered his healer's tools, his movements fluid and purposeful. Yet, as he stepped out into the village, the usual hustle and bustle seemed muted, an eerie quiet settling over the familiar surroundings. He heard the hushed murmurs of suspicion and fear that seemed to hover over the villagers like a dark fog. For a moment, Kairon faltered, his heart heavy with apprehension. What could have transpired in, the span of a single night, to cast such a pall over the village?

Kairon's steps quickened with purpose as he navigated the winding paths of the village. The air crackling with tension, thick with the murmurs of suspicion and fear. Anger simmered within him like a coiled serpent, his protective instincts roused by the injustice being inflicted upon Rianna. With each whisper and hateful glance, his resolve solidified a silent vow to shield her from the venomous tongues that sought to tarnish her name.

Approaching the gathering crowd, Kairon's presence seemed to command attention, drawing gazes away from Rianna for a fleeting moment. His black eyes, usually calm and serene, blazed with an intensity that mirrored the fiery determination burning within him. Without a word, he positioned himself beside Rianna, a silent sentinel ready to defend her honor against any who dared to challenge it. The villagers faltered under the weight of his unwavering gaze, their whispers growing hushed in the face of his silent condemnation. Yet, Kairon's anger was tempered by a steely resolve, a resolve to confront the lies and deceit that threatened to tear apart the fabric of their community. With a voice as cold and sharp as a winter's frost, he addressed the gathered crowd, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Enough," he declared, his voice ringing out with authority. "These baseless accusations serve only to sow discord and division among us. Rianna is no demon, nor harbinger of darkness. She is a member of our village, and she deserves our trust and support, not baseless accusations and fear-mongering. I'll be the first to admit her ability is strange, but who are we to question the way the Beast-God has made her?"

His words hung in the air, a challenge to those who would seek to cast judgment without cause. With a determined nod to Rianna, Kairon stood as a steadfast pillar of support, ready to weather the storm of prejudice and ignorance that threatened to engulf them. Despite Kairon's standing as the village healer, whispers of doubt still lingered among the villagers, casting shadows of suspicion upon his defense of Rianna.

"He's just protecting his mate," they murmured, their voices tinged with skepticism and distrust. To them, his unwavering support for Rianna seemed tainted by his personal connection to her, calling into question the authenticity of his words.

For Kairon, their doubts stung like venomous barbs, a bitter reminder of the prejudices that clouded their judgment. Yet, he refused to waver in his allegiance to Rianna, his commitment unwavering despite the skepticism of those around him. With a steely resolve, he met their doubting gazes head-on, his own conviction burning bright like a beacon of truth amidst the shadows of suspicion. With each whispered accusation, Kairon's determination only grew stronger, fueled by the injustice of their unfounded allegations. He knew that his bond with Rianna would be both a shield and a sword in their battle against prejudice, a testament to the depth of his love and loyalty to her. And though the villagers may doubt his motives, they could not deny the sincerity of his actions, nor the strength of his devotion to the woman he held dear.

In the face of the villagers' doubts and accusations, Kairon stood tall, his voice cutting through the murmurs of suspicion like a clarion call. "If anyone is to be feared as a harbinger of death, it would be me," he declared, his words carrying the weight of truth and conviction. "I am the very creature that haunts your nightmares, the colossal beast whose presence strikes fear into the hearts of all beastmen. As your healer, it is my duty to serve this village, regardless of the form I may take," Kairon continued, his gaze unwavering as he met the eyes of those gathered before him. "And as Rianna's mate, I will stand by her side, defending her against any who seek to harm her, whether through words or deeds."

His admission hung heavy in the air, a solemn acknowledgment of the fear that his existence instilled in the villagers. Yet, there was no trace of remorse in his tone, no hint of apology for the truth he spoke. Instead, there was a quiet strength, a resolve to confront their fears head-on and challenge the prejudices that threatened to tear their community apart. Despite Kairon's bold declaration, the fear that had taken root in the villagers' hearts only seemed to intensify, festering like a wound left unattended. Murmurs turned to clamor, and soon a chorus of voices rose in unison, demanding that the mated pair leave their small village.

The air was thick with tension as the crowd surged forward, their eyes filled with suspicion and mistrust. For Rianna and Kairon, it was a moment of reckoning, a stark realization of the depth of prejudice and fear that permeated the very fabric of their community. Yet, amidst the chaos and hostility, they remained resolute, their bond unshakable in the face of adversity. With a heavy heart, Kairon turned to Rianna, his expression grave yet determined as he reached out his hand to her.

"We cannot stay here, Rianna," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "The fear has already spread like wildfire, poisoning their minds."

Rianna nodded, her own heart heavy with sorrow for the village she had called home. But deep down, she knew that their path lay elsewhere, far from the judgmental eyes and whispered accusations of those who could not understand their love. Together, hand in hand, they turned their backs on the village that had once been their sanctuary, stepping into the unknown with courage and determination. With one last look at the crowd, Rianna noticed her mother and Papa Liam, huddled in the back and holding one another tightly, tears stinging her mother's eyes as Papa Liam supported her.

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