𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒~🥀𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭🥀

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We pulled up to where the client wanted us to go to see--oh shit, oh fuck...

"Y/N!!" Vox said, greeting me with open arms.

"Fuck you," I said, flipping him off.

He shrugged and put his hands behind his back.

"Well you're one to talk. You've been missing from work for quite some time..." he caressed my cheek.

I shot him a glare, clearly saying, do you really think that's a good idea?

He quickly pulled his hand away, the smirk still playing on his lips.

"Oh hey, am I interrupting something?" Blitzø asked, stepping out of his car.

Vox's smirk widened, "Depends, was he interrupting something, Y/N?" He asked turning towards me.

I glared at him, "Nope! You're all good Blitzø," I said, not turning away from Vox.

"Ohhhh is this your other boss?" Blitzø asked, motioning towards him.

"Yes I am! And you must be the hit man Y/N works with!" Vox interrupted, holding out his hand to shake.

"Yep! I'm Blitzø, the 'o' is silent!"

"What 'o'?"

"Awww thanks."

"Wait you're our client?" I asked.

Vox grinned, "I am..."

"But...why did you want that radio host killed?"

"Umm because he's an asshole and I paid for it?" Vox replied, saying it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"But you've been dead for years now, you've never mentioned a radio ho—"

"Hey! Let's have you and your lovely boss come inside!" Vox said, holding his arm out for me to take.

I rolled my eyes but followed through.


"Wow..." Blitzø gaped, looking all around the Vees' headquarters.

"I know...she's a beauty isn't she?"

"Y/N, you work here?" Blitzø asked me.


"Yes, yes very lovely," Vox said dismissively, his arm still hooked onto mine. "Here, let's go into my office now..."

We stepped into his office and he shut the door behind me, plopping down behind his desk.

"Now...how much extra did you need again? Ten percent you said? Or was it twenty?"

Blitzø wiggled his eyebrows at me. "I think you said...fifty percent," Blitzø said with a smirk.

"Yes fif—fifty percent?"

"Yep, yeah. I believe that's exactly what you said."

I held in my laughter.

"I—er, ugh, fine," Vox said, handing Blitzø the money.

Blitzø flipped through the dollars as if he was double-checking that every penny was in place before pocketing it.

"Pleasure doing business with ya!" Blitzø said cheerfully, holding his hand out to shake. Vox reluctantly took it, still oblivious to the fact that he was just scammed by an imp.

I started following Blitzø as he ran out the door when Vox called after me.

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec?" Vox asked.

I turned to Blitzø, "wait in the car for me...okay? I'll only be a minute."

He nodded and exited the office.

I turned to Vox. "What do you need now?" I sighed.

He smirked. "Do I have to need anything? You said you wanted to know why I wanted that fucker dead," he said with a smirk.

I thought for a second. I guess I did want to know.

"Okay so...why did you want him dead?" I asked.

"Well I've been watching him for a long time and...I'd like to meet him."

I rolled my eyes. "Meet him? Why?"

He smiled. "I'm going to ask him to join us!"

My eyes widened at the thought. "Join us? The Vees?!"

"Um, who else?" He laughed.

"We don't even know this bitch!" I argued.

"Well I still feel like he could use our help. He seems powerful. Plus, I wanted to help out my favorite coworker's other business!" He said, squeezing my cheeks.

"Well that's certainly to the point, Vox," I said removing his hand, "what if, hypothetically, it turns out he's not all that powerful? He's soft?"

Vox laughed, "well, if you want more visual proof..." he turned on the television monitor with a remote and pulled up a clip of the radio host murdering someone, blood splattering his face.

"Oh wow..." I muttered, surprised to see this crazed side of the innocent-looking man I saw bacl at the field.

Vox's smirk widened. "Pretty psychotic...he seems worse than you!"

I scoffed, "we'll see about that..."

Vox shrugged. "Anyways, once he accepts my offer, we'll be the most powerful overlords in Hell!" He laughs maniacally.

I rolled my eyes.

"Too corny?" He asked.

"Vox, that was the corniest fucking thing I've ever seen a grown man do," I chuckled.

"Hm, well I think it was just the perfect amount of corn, Y/N," he said with a smirk.

I couldn't help but stifle another laugh. "It's been fun Vox, but Blitzø is waiting for me. See ya!"

He kissed my hand. "See you, doll," he winked.

I shot him one last smile before closing his office door behind me.

A/N: That's all I have for chapter 4~! I forgot to mention there's a tiny bit of Vox x Reader in this fanfic

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A/N: That's all I have for chapter 4~! I forgot to mention there's a tiny bit of Vox x Reader in this fanfic.

I'm also planning on writing a Vox x fem!Reader after this book because I haven't seen a lot recently :3


Stay tuned~

~earth_angel17 🌺

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