Part 6

13 1 0

Paranoia (such as eating and taking medication)
Strong Language

(837 words)

Wilbur POV

I woke up to the feeling of the sun on my face and the brightness in my eyes, but groaned.

"It's noon." I heard someone say. It was Phil. I took a deep breath.

Get up


Piece of shit

Just by hearing that, I sprung out of my bed.

"You hungry?" he asked as he opened the bottles of medication.

"No." I responded. I walked to my full body mirror in the corner of the room. I was getting awfully skinny. I could see my spine and my ribs popping out from under my skin. I didn't even notice how much I hadn't been eating.

"Here." Phil spoke as he placed my medication on my nightstand.

Don't take it!

Don't take it!

Don't take it!

Those words repeated so many times in my head that I just couldn't handle it. I placed the meds in my mouth and waited for Phil to leave, and after he left, I spat out my meds in the trashcan.

Everything went quiet. The voices stopped. But I was in for a world of hell today.

Niki POV

I walked into Wilbur's room to see him playing his guitar, but his hands were shaking more than normal.

"Are you alright?" I asked as he struggled to play. He looks up immediately, slightly flinching.

He nods, then looks back at his guitar. I sit down beside him on his bed, thinking of what to say. I have never had a friend who had a mental illness like this, I barely knew anything about it, and it seems like Wilbur doesn't either. I only watched some Psych2Go videos about it, but Wilbur doesn't exactly act like they do in the videos. He's mostly tired, quiet, and sometimes awkward in social situations. He hasn't had a delusion or hallucination in a while, at least I think so.

"Do you hear anything right now?" I asked softly, honestly interested. I don't know what a schizophrenic hears or sees, and no matter what YouTube or Google told me, I knew Wilbur was seeing something different.

He nodded.

"What do you hear?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder to make him feel safe. (I'm not shipping you weirdos)

"I don't even know. Sometimes they tell me things I don't want to hear." He told me, his voice breaking. I could tell he was exhausted.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him in a soft tone.

He took a few seconds to speak. And I gave him those moments. He then buried his face into his palms and began to cry. I felt terrible.

"I feel like I am losing my mind." He told me, his face still in his palms. I bring him into a hug and he continues to cry. I felt so bad that he never opened up to any of us before, not even letting us know that he was struggling with something serious. I also felt bad that I never noticed what was going on. He was skinny, a lot skinner from the last time I had seen him.

The next thing I noticed was a tear falling down my left cheek.

"Wil, if you are having trouble with anything, please tell me. I'm here to help, we all are." I told him. I then saw Tommy peeking from outside the door with a concerned look on his face. I could tell he wanted to come in. I nodded.

Tommy walked in and sat on the other side of Wil, giving him a tight hug.

I wanted to help Wil, but I just had no idea how. Whenever I try searching up how to help someone with schizophrenia, it always mentions something about hospitals.

Wilbur has a psychiatrist, but not a therapist. But Phil told me Wil never wants to go to therapy.

"Do you want to come down and eat something?" I asked. After we stopped hugging, he sniffled and rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"Sure. Just give me a minute." He told us as he stood up. Tommy and I exited the room and shut the door behind us.

"Is he okay?" Tommy asked quietly before we walked down the stairs.

"I think he's just struggling with his illness. Always be there for him, okay?" I told Tommy. He nodded. We both walked down the stairs and into the living room where we found almost everyone sitting on the couch and talking. I sat down beside Eret and Ranboo.

I couldn't stop wondering what would happen with Wilbur, and I feel like nobody else is as worried as I am. I know Phil does whatever he can to take care of Wil, but what if something bad happens?

Hola chicos and chicas

How is everyone doing?

Some chapters might just be fillers because I need to write a bit before getting to the crazy thing


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