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002~ He's hot.

"Beat his ass!" Sam yells from the car. Tommy's eyes widen as he wipes blood from his cheek.

It wasn't his blood. It was Cordelia's, her knuckles did not make it against Tommy's cheekbones.

Shaking her hand in pain Cordelia took a deep breath. "Shit-"

Tommy came right back at her with a punch to her face.

Cordelia wasn't experienced in fighting. In fact she punched a person for the first time at a little gas station in Hawkins.

Blood began to drip down her face. "Fucking pussy." Tommy growled.

Cordelia's eyes widened and she grabbed Tommy by the shoulders and kneed him directly between his legs.

Tommy collapsed to the ground in pain while holding his area. Others began to rush to his side.

Sam panicked and hit the top of the car. "Get in Delia!"

Cordelia turned and ran for the car. "Ohshitohshitohsitohshit!" Sam panicked as Cordelia struggled to start the car.

"That was so fucking stupid!" Cordelia groaned as they whipped out of the parking lot.

"That was awesome! He was all like- how fucking dare you! And you were like pow! Right in the nose!" Sam laughed.


"And then he was all, go home you little bitch. And you were like bam! Right in the balls! You won a fight!" Cordelia adjusted the rear view mirror to look behind her.

"Sam please stop." She sighed.

"And it was over a fucking slushee! How cool is that?" Sam took a sip of her drink. "And you look awesome!"

"Sam!" Cordelia slammed the brakes as they pulled off the road. "Shut the hell up!"

Sam froze. "My first day of school is tomorrow! And I just beat up my classmate!" Cordelia raged. "So shut the hell up!"

"Damn," Sam paused. "Calm down."

The drive home was quiet. "Look-" Sam began.

"No." Cordelia sighed as they pulled into the driveway. "Bring the shit inside. I'm going to clean up."

Cordelia slammed the door open and stormed upstairs towards the bathroom.

Cordelia wasn't an angry person. She was the one getting picked on, not the one picking on people.

But new town, new person.


She unrolled a wad of toilet paper and wet it in the sink. She began to dab her upper lip and nose.

Cordelia had been beaten up before. In fact a lot worse than now.

She walked back to her room and peeled off her shirt. "Shit" she seethed as the cold, wet shirt hit her knuckles.

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