Chapter 5: At Home

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November 12, 1996

At first I was skeptical that it was his, but after going for a closer look I knew with no doubt that it was the red car that Chirs's dad has. What on earth did Chris tell his dad for him to come over here? I didn't want to handle any drama that Chris might have put me in, but before I could even think of leaving Chris opened the front door of my house and stormed his way to his dad's car.

"Chris, what are you doing here?" I walked up to him. He didn't talk to me, he just got into the car, "What did you tell my parents?" His dad then came out and looked very angry at me.

"Don't talk to my son ever again! You stuck up brat!" He yelled to me then slammed his car door shut. After that he left in his car. Confused, I reluctantly walked up to our house to ask my parents what had happened. I knew Chris was a person who would use huge exaggerations to get his way, but what was his purpose in telling his dad something that would make him come here? The door swung open again and it was my mom.

"Come inside!" She waved, "Your dad wants to talk." I listened, although I knew Dad was probably going to yell some more at me. Just please don't know about the book! Was all I could care to think about now.

I entered the house and Mom shut the door behind me. I looked around the house for any sight of Dad. I didn't see him, but that didn't mean I couldn't hear him coming from the second living room.

"Can things get any worse?! You just can't behave can you?!" He yelled when he saw me, "First you talk back and now you ruined our relationship with the Parkinsons?! I just can't with you!" He was now standing right in front of me, "Go to your room! And I don't want to see you! Understand?!" I nodded looking at his shirt trying to avoid his eyes. I started to walk to my room with my mom trailing behind me. I didn't bother to ask why though, I just kept quiet and walked on. I got to my room, but my mom didn't stop following me. I gave her a confused look. She dismissed me and went to where my speakers were.

"Oh, I didn't come to baby you." She said, "I'm here for your speaker and your second walkman. We agreed to give them to Mr. Parkinson's son." I sat on my bed and watched her grab the speaker which she had to drag to get it out. "Could've helped me..." She mumbled as she shut my room door behind her. He went through all of this for speakers?! Wow Chris, what ticked you? I snapped out of it and immediately began to look for my book. I couldn't handle it anymore. I need to let my feelings out. I found it under my desk hidden against the wall, but I didn't remember putting it there last night. I picked it up and grabbed my pen. I flipped to a new page and began writing.

November 12, 1996

Today is Tuesday and I'm sick of this. Sick of being the perfect little boy. Today my parents lectured me again. I woke up and they automatically messed up my day. To make matters worse they spit in my face when I got home because I yelled at one of my 'friends.' I'm done, I want this to all stop. Is it worth it to live in this hell?

My hand started to shake, I felt furious, but I also wanted to cry. I put the pen down and let out a sob. I was holding it all day and now I was about to burst. I picked up my journal and pen, then went to my bed. Where I cried on the pillow. Just thinking, where did it go wrong? Why did I speak up this morning? It took a while but when I calmed down, I looked at my journal. I wanted to stop crying before anyone else came. So I tried to make the excuse to keep on writing. I need to finish my paragraph. Come on get up. I sat on my bed and placed the book on my lap. I didn't know what to write about anymore. So to distract myself I just wrote a summary of what happened today.

My dad almost hit me this morning because I got an A minus in one of my classes. My mother doesn't give a damn about me, only about my future kids. My 'friend' threw me under the bus all because I yelled at him! Even though I asked him to leave me alone, he still pestered me! He came to my house with his dad just to take my speakers! Like I care, they are useless to me! Some 'friend' he is.

I heard deep footsteps coming close to my room. I thought they were my dad's so I hid my journal under my pillow not thinking where else to put it and layed on my bed, wiping my tears away. Although you can probably tell I was crying, I still tried to make the effort. My door swung open and I jumped when the door almost slammed into my wall. Just as I guessed, it was my dad. He first looked to my desk expecting me to be there, but to his dismay I wasn't.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you studying physics?!"

"I finished." Was all I could conjure up without my voice cracking.

"Really?" He didn't seem to believe me. "Show me."

I got up from my bed, trying not to eye my pillow and went to my bag to show him that all my work was done. When he finished he placed my homework down and looked at me.

"Mr. Parkinson had told me that you called his son poor. Why did you do it? I had to trade up your speakers and your walkman to keep his word on giving you his recommendation for college."

That's what Chris told everyone? That I called him poor? I tried to remember what I said, but I just couldn't. So I knew I had no reason to say that I didn't because what if I did?

"Do I really need a recommendation from him?" I asked, trying to change the direction of this conversation.

Dad scoffed as if my question was stupid, "Grades are not everything and you will get into Harvard your first try! And if that means his recommendation, then yes! You do need his recommendation!" He walked to my door, "Don't mess up with Chris or anyone else again. Understand?"

"Okay." I sighed.

"Good." He slammed the door shut and I heard the footsteps leave. I guess he's in a better mood now if he wanted to check on me. I waited a bit just in case someone else might come before going to get my journal again. I went to my bed and grabbed it from under the pillow. Why doesn't he let me write? Why does Mom agree? Will I never know? I didn't want to risk anyone seeing my journal anymore so I hid it below my desk where I always put it. Hidden right on the edge of the wall. Once I was satisfied, I went to bed. Although I couldn't sleep after what had happened today.

September 18, 2018

I woke up to the alarm on my phone. When getting up, I was sore from the injuries I got from the fight yesterday. I ignored the pain and got dressed for school by grabbing a random t-shirt and shorts, not even caring if they were dirty or not. I walked out of my room tired and not wanting to go to school. Not because of yesterday, but because it was the same thing everyday.

"M, come and eat!" Said Auntie after I had finished up in the bathroom.

I walked to the kitchen where Auntie had prepared some eggs with toast. I sat down on the table and began to eat, but I was in no hurry to go to school, so I took my time.

"How did you sleep?" Auntie asked me. I looked at her and shook my head.

"Not good." Was all I said before I continued to eat. I glanced at her after a few bites and I could tell by her green eyes that she was not satisfied with that answer. So I added on to the conversation, "That book you gave me is really depressing."

"Really?" She smiled, happy I'm taking the time to talk to her. "Why is that?"

"First answer this." I said, "Is this a story about Uncle or something? I mean it is a journal right?" She looked lost in thought before she said.

"Read to find out."

"Well, I might just skip ahead. What I'm reading right now is shi- Er, I mean horrible AND depressing." She looked at me and sighed.

"That's not the point." She let her fork down, "Don't skip. Please promise me you won't." Why? How will she know if I skipped or not? Although I didn't understand, I nodded. "Thank you." She smiled.

After I had finished up breakfast I got my bag from the couch to leave. When I got to the door, I went in my bag to look for my earbuds. Then I remembered something. Somebody took my earbuds! Frustrated, I went to my phone to go on my 'look for' app. My earbuds were on the move. I have some time before school. I thought as I looked at the time on my phone. Plus who will care if I get there late. I can't let someone just take my stuff without paying.

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