404s (short) Final Test.

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3rd Person POV
After J absorbed O'Brien, he told Malware to fight him, to which he reluctantly agreed. "You should be able to-" J kicks Mal's head before punching him in the spine "-Hit me at least once." He continued while hitting Mal from all directions. He summoned countless blasters that fired at J, but he teleported Mal in front of him, taking on his own attack, his body unrecognizable. "Just that few hits and your down? Pathetic." J told him with his arms crossed. "I'LL SHOW YOU PATHETIC!" Mal shouted as he tried to fire a God Ray at J who deflects it back to him. He restored his energy to 100%, before telling him to fight, this time J is in butterfly.

B!J (no wings), proceeded to kick Mal in the skull to which it was a clone that exploded, though BJ teleported the explosion in front of JP404B, injuring him. BJ was almost hit by a stray bone he missed, and he became serious. "Let's end this already." They both said, as BJ blitzed over to JP404B, firing a Hollow Ray point black while at the same time ramming JP404B with 3 Sol Blasters while midair, ending it immediately. "I expected more from you Malware." BJ told him. Mal gave back control to 404, who looked terrified.

"It's your turn." BJ said and immediately a P404 clone headed right for him, but he threw the clone to the real P404 who dodged the explosion. BJ proceeded to fire a Hollow Ray and 7 Sol Blasters which P404 defended himself using a clone. He teleported behind him, stabbing him with a black bone and firing an Eden Ray point black, the clone exploding. P404 got out, albeit with trouble. "Impressive..." BJ muttered to himself as within zeptoseconds he blitzed to 404 once again with a purple bone in hand. 404 dodged the bone but couldn't switch with a clone in time as he was rammed by thousands of mini Sol Blasters the size of atoms.

"You're good 404, but your lacking things." BJ said to 404 who couldn't move an inch due to being frozen by Eden Mastery. He restored 404s stamina and proceeded to train once more. 404 became P404 and spammed trillions of clones at BJ to hopefully hit him at least once. He switched positions with P404, now in front of his own clones. He tried to shield himself, but his clones turned into a thousand Sol Blasters that which half fired their beams and half exploded, resulting in P404 losing an arm. He remained silent as he rushed BJ who had his arms crossed the entire time. BJ punched him with a balance infused punch, blinding him moderately. He proceeded to uppercut 404 into the "sky", where there were 10 Sol Blasters above him and 10 Eden Blasters below him. 404 couldn't react or transform in time as the blasters exploded with such force the reinforced barrier cracked. 404 coughed up blue blood as he was catches by BJ.

" The only flaws I see in you are lack of strength, lack of good techniques, not that yours are bad, and reliance on transformations. This should help you with it." He told 404 as he snapped and gave 404 another boost in power. "Now that you have that, fight me when I'm in my second and last transformation." J told him, now JJ404BJ666B, whose wings were as black as the void, the eyes in his wings firing Reality Rays. 404 was silent, transforming into True Perfect 404 as he spawned countless clones to explore in his face. He wasn't fazed at the slightest bit, as he switched positions with TP404, now in front of his own attack once again. He tanked the explosion fairly well until JJ404BJ66B came in and punched him so hard the barrier almost shattered. He reinforced it and kicked TP404 to the sky, then proceeded to copy an attack from a version of 404. "MAINFRAMES FINALE!" He shouted as a blue and black beam hit TP404, forcing him back to base where he was punched 23 times and rammed by millions of Eden Blasters the size of atoms, which exploded his body with such force the Eden Orb almost shattered.

He fixed the Eden Orb and proceeded to fire a balance infused Hollow Ray that slowed down 404 by 60%, then stabbed him with a white and black bone downwards where he summoned a clone that exploded behind 404, his body being torn apart. JJ404BJ66B brought him back.

"You have potential 404, you just need to enhance your skills and power more and more." J said, detransforming. "And this will be a reminder." He told 404 as he summoned 50 Eden Blasters the size of the TransVoid itself, exploding against 404 with such power that his body was annihilated the zeptosecond his body made contact with the explosion. "Now you know." J said as he brought back 404 who was more than terrified at this point.

"Y-yes... I understand." 404 t9ld him stuttering through his words. "Excellent, now, fight me while in your TP404B form. I want to see how strong you are." J told him as he summoned a black bone in each hand. TP404B took the opportunity to rush him, though it didn't (never) end/s well, as he was punched in the face and kicked downwards, where there were 10 Eden Blasters waiting to explode. TP404B spawned clones which tanked the blast, but at the same time tried teleporting it in front of J, who was surprised. "...Hehehe, your learning 404. But I wonder-" He freezes TP404B in his Eden Mastery while summoning nonilions of bones and an Eden Ray. "-if you can dodge this." He told him as the bonds and Ray fired at 404 who tried switching positions with him, but forgot he was frozen. The attacks hit him so hard he had to let Mal take control, becoming JTP404B.

Mal summoned True Perfect Dark Blasters that fired a black and white beam straight to J, who grabbed the beam and turned it into a black and white sword. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" Mal wasn't given time to finish as he was slashed by the black half of the sword, the shockwave shattering the barrier and sending JTP404B flying through trillions of Eden Orbs. "I thought you had better skills Mal." He told JTP404B, arms crossed. "I'LL SHOW YOU SKILL!!!" Mal shouted as he summoned his new attack. "PERFECT REALITY CANNON!!" Mal shouted as he fired a bluish white beam at J, who stood still. "Let's test this thing if it really is that powerful." J thought as he tanked the hit without any shields whatsoever, the blast damaging him, (AKA his jacket), by 5%. "Weak." He told JTP404B as he mimicked the attack, firing it at Mal. He tried to dodge but to no avail. J pulled him into the way of the blast, heavily injuring him and forcefully giving back control to 404, becoming TP404 once again. "Now, my turn." J spoke out to 404 as his fist was engulfed in a black, red and purple magic. "Yeet." He said, punching 404 with such force he went flying outside of the main EdenSphere, ending up in another one. "Oops wrong attack." He said, while 404 was trying to find his way back. He was teleported back by J, who had a slight glint in his eyes. "Good, very good my William. I believe you are ready to take on the powers that might invade our home when I'm gone." He told him as he patted 404s head. "..." 404 fled, teleporting back to his own Eden Orb.

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