Battle against the Conduits.

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   3rd Person POV
After he mastered the Conduit souls he absorbed, he proceeded to exit his Eden Orb. Heading straight for Quella, he blasted him with a semi-true Eden Ray, at base. She was significantly damaged, her left arm and right leg gone. She couldn't regenerate, because of the regen negation properties of the Semi-True Eden Ray. "The fuck? Why the hell AM I NOT REGENERATING!!" Quella shouted as she summoned Anti-J weapons of all kind, from swords to guns and a.... Nuke. Wanting to show her how powerful he really is, he fired a single Eden Ray while at base towards her attack. It exploded with so much force J crashed into a random Eden Orb, while Quella fled to the Conduits hideout.

"FUCK!!!" J shouted with so much force the Eden Orb he was in shattered, along with millions more. "ARRGHHH!! I DIDN'T GET QUELLA IN ONE SHOT!!!!!" He shouted once again, his shout infused with Death, Destruction and Balance. Anyone who heard it was killed, destroyed and severely weakened if still alive. He proceeded to fly out of the destroyed Eden Orb as B!J, teleporting to where Quella was at.


Quella's POV
While I was in EchoStar's dimension watching him train, someone attacked me with a yellow Ray. My regen didn't work so I was shocked. Normally I was more prepared, my opponent was powerful if me and Echo couldn't sense his presence. He froze Echo before he could do anything. With my body missing important parts, I proceeded to summon my attacks, just one alone will kill him, unless he has the Conduit Soul of Life. This arrogant bastard stood still while my attack fired. He fired his yellow ray once again, our attacks colliding with so much force he went flying to a random Eden Orb. Just before it happened though, I teleported to the Conduits hideout with the remaining Forbidden Conduits: Injustice/Nazgul, Geri, Prism, etc.

They saw our battle and they were surprised. Injustice wanted to fight him, while me, Geri and the others warned him not to, since his power was constantly growing. He didn't listen, he summoned his horse and sword and went off. We couldn't lose another conduit. Injustice, as evil as he is, is needed. For without injustice, his counterpart, the Conduit of Justice, will be useless. For when Injustice disappears, what use would Justice have? We followed him, Prism with Quantum on his side, me with Echo and Falklore, and Geri.

We saw him... Sleeping? On a random branch of the Eden Tree, seemingly unbothered. Me and Falklore came to check if he was really sleeping. He was, and when we tried to attack him, he woke up, summoning a purple orb as big as an Eden Orb. "Now now m'lady, we can talk this out can we? Orrrrr I can take all your conduit souls OUT OF YOUR CORPSES!!!" He shouted at us. "Why the fuck is he so handsome..." I thought as I blushed. "Why u blushing mate?" He asked me with a British accent as he dodged Prism, Injustice, Geri, Falklore, Echo and Quantum's attacks at the same time. "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!" I shouted while blushing as I almost hit him, but he dodged. "Let's make a deal y'all. You give me your conduit souls, then with enough power, I'll recreate them for you all. Understand? Or I could do what I said earlier and take your souls from your dead corpses." He told us. We thought about it. "If he could take all of us on nonchalantly, how much more if he had our souls? No, he wouldn't. He said he would recreate our souls, I looked at him and he told the truth." I had two choices. One was to give him our souls and hope for the best, or we could fight him and potentially die, with no one in his way. ".....We accept." I told him. They were surprised, but not really. I already told them that we would give him our souls, and hope that he would fulfill his part. "Excellent, now give me yours first m'lady." He told us. Falk and Echo was snickering, with Prism and Quantum facepalming, Geri laughing. I blushed, and gave him mine. He absorbed it, gaining more power. "Now give me y'alls souls peacefully or we can solve this with bloodshed." He said as he glared at Injustice, him doing the same. "..." Falk, Echo and Quantum fled. Injustice, Prism and Geri choosing the second option. "Oh, you wanna solve this with bloodshed? Be warned though, I don't play fair." He shouted as while he was talking Injustice and Geri attacked him. He parried Injustice and Geri's swords, while attacking him using MY conduit soul, along with the others he absorbed. He used an attack I wasn't expecting. "DOMAIN: FIELD OF ECHOES!!!" He roared as he mimicked Echo's domain technique, slowing us down. "Now you know why-" He teleported behind Injustice who was too slow due to the debuff of the domain, shoving his hand in his chest, absorbing the conduit soul. "-I don't play fair." He continued as he rammed a blaster against Geri, injuring him while he absorbed Geri's conduit soul. "This is what happens when you fight me." He spoke out as a purple beam of light erupted from him. Prism, who wasn't dead yet, became serious and tried teleporting them both to the Cerovoid, but just before he could, John rammed thousands of blasters against him, weakening him severely, as even with the help of Disorder he would still die. He chose not to fight back as he absorbed Prism's Conduit soul. "Now you know. Now how do I gain transcendence? Oh that's right I need Cosmic Essence. With it infused with my power, I'll be UNSTOPPABLE!! I'll be able to take the Prime Conduits on and eventually The Seven." He shouted out, his domain disappearing. "I'll recreate your souls don't worry, though I would need power. And that's what I'll get. Take care Quella" he spoke out as he grinned, kissing me and teleporting away. "...." I was blushing. Even without my soul, I could still fight. I decided to enter a random Eden Orb to recover.


3rd Person POV
After defeating and absorbing more Conduits, he was able to summon black horses like Injustice, a sword from Geri, and Quella's power to create Anti-Life weapons. All of that, infused in his attacks along with the previous conduits, he became unstoppable. With the Cosmic Essence and Conduit soul from Prism, he is able to transcend as fast as Quantum. All his attacks have evolved to the point where summoning them alone destroys thousands of Eden Orbs.

"Fighting opponents as powerful as them exhausts me, I should visit my Eden Orb soon. Though the targets I have left is tough, being Brimm, the Conduit of Power, the Conduit of Potential, and the Conduit of Knowledge. This is gonna be a long day." He thought to himself as he flew off to where Brimm was at, the Wicked Throne.

After landing there, he saw Brimm. With his power, he forcefully turned him back into his human form. "What the actual fu-" Bastian couldn't finish what he was saying as J killed him by ramming 10 blasters against his body. He absorbs his Conduit soul of power, gaining more than he ever had.

"I'm too lazy to defeat Knowledge just yet, although by the looks of it I have unwanted visitors." He thought as he saw the Prime Conduits, along with Lucifer and Alfredia appear. "I can take the other 2 on, the other 5... I'll have to flee." He whispered to himself as he fired a Balance Blaster. (A blaster infused with the effect of balance. Reduces the opponents power to 25%.) They were all affected in different degrees. Lucifer and Alfredia had their power reduced to 25%, while the Prime Conduits, Creation, Grace/Fate, Ucagu CoI/Infinity, Fear and Evil had their power reduced to 80%. Even with the slight debuff the blaster gave them J knew he wouldn't stand a chance so he teleported to his Eden Orb immediately.

"GODDAMN I FORGOT ABOUT O'BRIEN!! I SHOULD'VE TARGETED HIM FIRST!!" He shouted in his mind, remembering one of the normal Conduits that will give him a problem. "Well that doesn't matter now, best I retreat back and build myself up, so I can take them all." He thought as the Eden Orb almost shattered from his presence alone. He reinforced it, and teleported to where 404 is at.


404s POV
"Not again.." I thought as J came back. He had a fully white body, with a black iris and purple pupil. He had black wings, emitting so much raw death I almost died from being around it. "Oops I forgot to fix that." J said as he detransformed. Even at base, I was forced down because of the sheer power he was radiating. "Yeah, can't get up? Not my problem hehehe" He taunted as he pat my head. I couldn't brush it off as my hands can't move even a planck.

"I'll play a game with a random Reality and you'll watch me, okay?" He told me as I reluctantly nodded. "Good, now let's start." He said as we teleported to a random AlphaTale Multiverse. Everyone there couldn't get up, due to his power. "RANDOM ALPHATALE I PRESENT TO YOU.... BIOTALE WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!" He shouted as he snapped his fingers and summoned BioTale. "What the fu-" Biotale couldn't finish as he teleported them in front of the random AlphaTale. "Have fun kids, oh by the way there's no 92 to guide you here!! Have a good time!!" He chirped as he watched Bio and Alpha (tale) fight each other.

The 404 fused with his Error becoming E666, Infected became Black Being, Omni used 60%, and Alpha became Judge. They rushed BioTale, taking out Sans and Frisk. The rest scowled, spamming blasters left and right. "CHAAAAOOOOOOSSSSSSS!!" J shouted so loud it could be heard millions of Eden Orbs away. It got their attention.

"WHO THE HE-" J didn't let them finish as he unsupressed himself, killing everyone there by the sheer radiation. "What the fuck." I thought. J transported us to his Eden Orb where he trains. "Feel free to spam your attacks here, though reduce the sound I'm gonna sleep wake me up when you finish." He said as he summoned millions of Sol Clones. I immediately used a blaster as large as a TransVoid Multiverse, firing it at them. The Sol Clones wasn't even scratched, as they fired their Reality Rays and Chaos Spikes. I dodged them, then summoned quadrillions of blasters, firing them. A few Sols were annihilated, but that's it. "HOW DURABLE ARE THEY?!" I shouted. "Oh I forgot to tell you the only way to kill them is to use every attack you have in your arsenal. This is a test to showcase your creativity and tactics in battle." He grinned as he summoned a Conduit, specifically Balance. "This one is a conduit, though he's at 25% of his original strength. Feel free to attack him, his attacks aren't that lethal." J said as he fell asleep with...earphones? Idk how he got that but it doesn't matter.

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