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(Note: there will be many side events.)

3rd Person POV
After killing Death, John's attacks have some of Death's essence in them, meaning if your hit, you die, since it is the literal embodiment of death that is in his attacks. He tested out a new technique, something called Blaster Ram. When he summons a blaster, he doesn't fire it. Instead, he points it towards the direction of the opponent. If the opponent is rammed by the blaster, it will explode. He can do this with hundreds, thousands or hell millions of blasters.

Another Conduit that proved useful to him is the Conduit of Envy. With her Conduit Soul absorbed, John is able to copy other's abilities, whether they are weaker or stronger than him. Destruction and Balance, specifically the latter, proves the most useful, even more so than Death. Because like the Balance soul in OG 404, John is able to use a Balance Ray, which is a light blue Ray if it is fired by a 404. But it isn't, it's color is red with a blue outline. When hit, the opponents power will be reduced to half of their original strength if they are stronger than him.

The soul of Destruction, on the other hand, is VERY useful. With the embodiment of destruction, along with Death, infused in his attacks, they deal devastating amounts of damage, being able to kill beings tiers stronger than him, and destroy their very existence with the Destruction conduit soul. There's another effect to this. He can infuse his attacks with the Balance effect, like a balance ray, to balance out his opponents strength. While weaker than a Balance Ray, reducing his opponents strength to only 75%, it is enough.

But, there's a problem. He can only do this if he masters the Conduit souls he absorbed to at least the Competent level. The more powerful the Conduit soul, the harder it is to master. Death is the hardest one, as he has to battle a version of Death with his (Death's) powers.

(Timeskip 2 weeks later)

In just 2 weeks, he had done it. He had mastered the Conduit souls, at least to the Competent level. He wishes to master it to the Master level, as he can balance out the powers of FAR more powerful beings with the soul of Balance.

His fight with the version of Death was successful. He was able to defeat him, but before the version died, he spoke out. "You are worthy of mastering the Conduit Souls... But I just hope you know what your doing."

He became more and more powerful, to the point where he could take on Forbidden Conduits, the weaker ones at least. With his Conduit Mastery at the Competent level, his mastery at Balance Proficient, he decided to visit his Eden Orb once again.


404s POV

While he was doing... Whatever shit he does, things happened in this Eden Orb. A FUCKING UNNAMEABLE CAME, almost destroying the Multiverse and Reality. With my new power, I obliterated its vessel without issue, but it made my apprentice, Error, into Righteous!Error, becoming far more powerful, but nowhere near my level. No offense Error.

Ink became Hollow!Ink, though he's friendly and visits the Omega Timeline every now and then. With AlphaTale back, our life was happy. Until more beings from the TransVoid came, in the form of Gabriel and... Zarla.


Gabriel's POV

The demons are losing... Zarla has grown too strong. I tried defeating them with the remnants of my army, but it was no use. They died, and I fled outside the TransVoid, to another Reality. Unfortunately, Zarla with her(?) angels followed me.

Another Reincarnation Fanfic. [DISCONTINUED].Where stories live. Discover now