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                        -*BRUCE YAMADA*-

bruce wasn't going to finneys. he was on his bed at his aunts with his face swoll. his dad had beaten the shit out of him id say about 10 minutes ago.

just because he liked a boy.


"dad, can i go to finneys for a bit?" finney had just invited bruce over. finney was bruces best friend. after he heard vances name fly out of finneys mouth he immediatly was in.

the blonde curly head was in his mind since the day they meant. he wore that jean jacket a whole lot. he rarely smiled but he was sure as hell a flirt. his blue eyes. his agressive ness. he was perfect. to bruce.

"why ya always going over there?" his dad ask needy for the truth.

he trusted his dad. he could tell him the truth. right? of course.

"vance is over there! dad, he is super amazing! i promise hes the best-" he didn't even get to finish before he felt a sharp pain snap against his (face) cheek.

he winced, he brought  his hand against his face where he'd been hit. his dad didn't hit him. he didn't. no way. him and his dad had been getting along these past weeks.

tears plucked against his eyes. the sting hurt. he heard a belt unbuckle. it snapped him out of all his thoughts. before he could do anything he felt the belt against his skin. he feel back against the floor and brought his hands to cover his face after he'd been hit in the face.

he yelped in pain loudly before he heard creaking. Amy. she couldn't see her brother like this. he wouldn't let her. but it was too late.

"bruce your not a fucking fag! you like girls. not boys! you dont want a fucking dick up your ass do, you? are you a fucking slut to add on to being a fag?!"

his dad yelled. to a sixteen year old. bruce was still a virgin. hadn't even made out with anyone. he didn't want anything his dad said.

"DAD! STOP LEAVE HIM ALONE!" amy called out. she needed to protect her brother. she had to. she must.

dad didn't listen and just kept hitting him.

"anwser me!" he said, waiting as he held up the belt.

"No!" bruce sobbed. covering his face.

"are you a fucking faggot!?" dad asked in the same position as before.

"no.." he lied. he still liked vance. but it wasn't worth being hit.

amy ran foward pulling bruce up and bringing him upstairs quickly and locking the door

                   -*END OF FLASHBACK-*

"what happened?" amy asked. after dad left she grabbed some ice and wrapped it up. she held it against bruces face. a bruise on his eye, and a red (face) cheek.

"isn't it obvious?" bruce muttered out. still in pain. amy never saw her own brother this weak. this sad. and she never been this mad.

bruce always heard finney talk about his experience being a f- liking boys. how his dad beat him, how he always got beat up in school, how he felt. how he described the pain was similar to how bruce belt now.

now he knew how finney blake felt.

"tell me, bruce!" amy said eagerly. the phone began to ring.

"that might be finney.." bruce muttered under his breath.
"go anwser it for me. if its finn tell him that i can't go." he ordered.

normally amy would tell him to fuck off and not do it. but the state bruce was in. she couldn't say a word that was mean to him.

she tiptoed downstairs careful to not wake her aunt who napped through everything. somehow. she went to the ringing phone.

on the phone

hii, bruce? maybe? is this bruce?- f

no, its his little sister amy. he cant make it.-a

hm? did he ask? -f

don't matter aint coming.- a

well if you can tell him vance missed him!-f
finney! shut up!- v

okay? whatever you say. alright bye-a

amy tiptoed back upstairs.


"it was finney, he told me to tell you someone named vance misses you?"

at this comment bruce blushed slightly.

"ohh, you like vance, huh?" amy guessed.

"what, no- i dont." bruce lied making his face get redder.

"oh you totally do" amy said.

"mhm whatever. cant like boys."

"fuck whatever dad said he doesn't know you enough to tell you shit" amy comfronted.

bruce smiled. he was glad he had his sister. always and forever.

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