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Y/n pov: 

I was sitting, well, more like standing on the roof of my apartment, trying to focus on anything but my exams. I walked over to the ledge of the roof and sat down and closed my eyes, trying to focus on the breeze when all of a sudden I hear a voice from another roof behind me. "DON'T JUMP!" I turn my head around because I had no intention of doing that, to see someone jumping from roof to roof to get to where I am. A few roofs away, the person falls in the middle of jumping, and I run over to the other side of my roof to see a few seconds later they are already up and fine as they continue jumping over. They finally get over to the roof I was standing on and I realize that, THERES FOUR OF THEM?? HOW DID I NOT SEE THEM BEFORE?? Anyways, the one who yelled at me runs over and says, "Are you okay?? We all saw you on the edge of that roof so we thought that you were gonna- well, like, y-you know! Do the thing!" 

I look around at the four, noticing something.. WHY TF ARE THEY GREEN?? DO THEY HAVE SHELLS?? HOLY SHIT THAT GUY IS GIANT. "Are you guys... Human?" I say, confused out of my mind and needing an answer to.. Well, WHATEVER IS HAPPENING! "Oh- uhm, well..." The one who was just talking to me turns to one of the other people behind him and whisper-shouts at them "Donnie, you say something! You know I'm not that good at this!" "What!? Why me? Have Leo do it. also, you got us into this Mikey! You were the one who yelled at them!" Said one of the people behind him. Also like, just taking note of this, the guy who said all that has a VERY big forehead. Just sayin. One of the, people? Walk over to me and begin talking. "Look, so I know you are probably thinking we are aliens and to that I say... No. Instead, we are just on our way home from a sci-fi convention dressed as alien turtles. K, cool. That all make sense?" The one who first talked then adds in. "And don't ask why we can jump roofs, our dad is totally not a past ninja who got turned into a rat man and then taught us ninjitsu." I look over at the one who- you know what? I'm just calling them by the colors of their bandanas. Alright? 

I look over at the orange one and basically give him the side eye, knowing that all of that was wayyy too specific to not be a lie. "Alright cool... Just gonna trust that, for now. Anyways, one thing I need to make clear, no. I was not going to jump, just trying to get my mind off of exams next week." I say to them, not even gonna lie here, they're probably actual turtle-human guy things, and not just people in costumes.

 I look over at them all again, noting things about them from their looks. Alright, so here's what I've got so far, One: The purple one looks annoyed, like, the whole time he's been here. Two: The orange one is very nice and I wanna give him a hug. Three: The blue one seems to be kinda full of himself, not that it bothers me though. And four: The red guy is HUGE but based on his body language he doesn't seem to be all that mean.

 And one other thing that I will NEVER tell anyone is that, like, the purple one. Just-just, like, HERE ME OUT-

 Yeah no not a single person would hear me out on that.

Like, come on really? A kinda human turtle? I don't think that's normal and I should talk to a therapist about that. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND- Maybe one other person in the world agree with me on this.

 (cough cough, all of us, cough)

 "Anyways, I should probably go back inside before my mom gets a bit too worried about my safety. So, uhm, bye! It was nice meeting you all! Oh yeah wait- before I go, what are your names?" I say as I begin walking back towards the stairs but I pause so I can hear them say their names. "I'm Leo, the best one out of everyone. The big one is Raph who is a cinnamon roll and we all love him for that. The one who was talking a lot and was the one who told you to not jump is Mikey. And we saved the most boring for last, Donnie! Our tech wiz who we all like to poke fun at." Leo says  to me and I finish walking to the door to the stairs. "Well, it was nice meeting you Leo, Mikey, Raph and Donnie! Now bye for real this time." I say as I open the stair door and walk back down to the floor I'm on.


3rd person pov bc it's the only thing I'm good at writing:

Back up on the roof:...

"Wait guys we never asked for their name. NOOOO HOW ARE WE GOING TO FIND THEM AGAIN??" Mikey says as he drops to the floor acting as if he's crying. Raph sits down next to him and tries to comfort him. "Mikey it'll be fine, you could just ask Donnie to find out their name. I'm sure he could at least try to do that." Raph said as he looked over at Donnie, trying to convince him to do this for Mikey. Donnie looks over at him and rolled his eyes, sighing. "Sigh, alright fine. I'll do it, but don't expect me to instantly find them- oh that was a lot easier than I thought." Donnie says as he, almost instantly, finds their name due to them being pretty active online. "Alright here Mikey, their name is Y/n L/n. Happy?" He says, instantly getting Mikey to stand back up and hugging Donnie. "You're the best D!" Mikey says while Donnie is trying to get him off of him. 

"Say, who's feeling like getting pizza right now? Or is that just me?" Leo says as they all walk over to the edge of the roof and begin jumping from roof to roof again.

(Well, there's the first part of this very out of nowhere fic- little fact is that both me and my friend kind of worked on this together so you can thank them for this part not having spelling or grammar issues, I hope. Also most of the chapters are going to come out pretty slowly bc school is annoying so don't expect a lot from me. Also this my first time writing an X reader so I may suck at this so maybe in the future I'll go back and update this all  -the writer, Acid ^_^)

⭐[Word count: 1158]⭐

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