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Y/n pov:

I sat in my bed, thinking over why the hell did I just meet some random human turtles on a roof at 10 pm on a random Sunday night. But I don't have time to think about that, I've got stupid exams here to flood my mind with worry instead! Yayyy, fun... Whatever, I just need to lay down and at least try a little bit to sleep, and if I can't sleep I'm going to force myself to study, for once in my life. I Look over at my bedside table and grab my earbuds and connect them to my phone and put on Spotify to help me fall asleep when all of a sudden I feel my phone vibrate from a notification I got. Knowing me it was probably an announcement from a person I follow on Wattpad but hey, there's only one way to be sure of that claim.

 I sit up a bit and turn on my phone again to check what the notification I got was about only to see that it was a text from an unknown number. I look at it for a second, decide it's just a spam text, and try to fall asleep again. Little did I know that for the next 45 MINUTES. I would be getting texts from this unknown number. Finally, after what had felt like years, I opened my phone and read all the text I got from the number to see it was one of those turtles I had met like, what was it now? 1, 2, hours ago? Well, whatever. I read over all the texts and start thinking about what I want to say back to the- HOLY- 50+ MESSAGES?! WHAT IN THE FUCK-


Texting part bc I'm lazy af and it 2 am and I have school tomorrow.

Dr Delicate Touch: Heyyy! Mikey here, random silly question but like, whats your favorite kind of pizza? Me and the guys want to know if we ever see each other again (sent 9:53 pm)

... (Insert more texts that I am too lazy to write out)...

Dr Delicate Touch: Helloooo, are you awake right now? (sent 10:02 pm)

Dr Delicate Touch: Also dont ask how I got your number, cant say or else I'll get tackled (sent 10:05 pm)

(Insert random texts that I am too lazy to write rn)

Dr Delicate Touch: Leo says hi btw and he asked if you like Jupiter Jim and if so whats your favorite movie? (sent 10:09 pm) 

Dr Delicate Touch:  My favorite is Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies, but Donnie likes to say that, "It is in fact inferior to the best Jupiter Jim film made in the history of Jupiter Jim films which is in fact Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation 4. No doubt, best movie of all time and your movie is nothing compared to it." I mean hey, those are his words, not mine (sent 10:12 pm)


Anyways back to Y/n's pov: 

Reading over all the messages Mikey sent I began smiling a bit just because of how funny I found all of this that Mikey was telling me but then I remembered that I should probably respond to him and not just leave him on read for the rest of the night.


and now we're back to texting bc I said so.

Dr Delicate Touch: My favorite is Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies, but Donnie likes to say that, "It is in fact inferior to the best Jupiter Jim film made in the history of Jupiter Jim films which is in fact Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation 4. No doubt, best movie of all time and your movie is nothing compared to it." I mean hey, those are his words, not mine (sent 10:12 pm)

                                                                                                                   Roof person: That's a bit goofy that your brother says that, but yeah, I am a JJ fan. Love all the movies so I can't choose just one to pick as my favorite! Oh also tell Leo I said hi back! And btw my favorite pizza is plain 'ol pepperoni. I know, basic but I don't go out of my comfort zone a ton so I just stick with pepperoni.

Dr Delicate Touch: Boring, but it is a classic so I can't say I don't like it after all. Another random question but what time do you get out of class tomorrow? I swear its not only me out of the four of us who wants to know

                                                                                                               Roof person: If you guys want to hang out you could just ask me in a more normal way but then again I suppose you aren't very normal. But I get out at around 3:25 pm-ish. idk my teachers never let us out on time, but I do have to study as well, exams are coming up soon and I promised my mom I wouldn't fail and that I would actually try to work on preparing myself.

Dr Delicate Touch: damn, (Don't tell Raph I said that) school must suck, but you could still hang out, just get Donnie to help you with your work and you'll be fine. He's the genius out of all of us but he might refuse to help you to get out of having to interact with other people.

                                                                                                             Roof person: I guess it's worth a shot, I'll ask my mom if we could hang out tomorrow, where do you want to meet up?


3rd person pov: 

"Guys guys guys! Y/n said yes to hanging out tomorrow! But they asked where we would meet up so like how are we going to explain this whole situation to them? I don't think they'll still believe the sci-fi con thing we keep using for every random human we run into that isn't April." Mikey said as he ran into the kitchen to see Leo sitting on the table reading a JJ comic and Raph hunting to find random snacks around the kitchen to just end up unsuccessful and sat back down at the table but then realizes what Mikey said.

 Raph turns to face Mikey, wearing a shocked look on his face. "Mikey! Do you realize that if we hang out with them they're gonna figure it out that we're mutants?! What if they call the cops on us and they experiment on us?!" 

"They're a Jupiter Jim fan by the way." 

"Oh. How is that supposed to do anything about us being seen?!" Leo was over hearing all this and ran over as soon as he heard Y/n is a Jupiter Jim fan. "THEY'RE A JJ FAN? I say we let them come over, just by knowing that. Most, if not all Jupiter Jim fans are chill. We'll be just fineee... I think." Raph looks over at him, both shocked and not shocked at the same time. 

"Are you all crazy or something?!" 


"Crazy? I was crazy once-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Leo."

⭐[word count: 1148]⭐

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