New Beginnings

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Summer's POV

My first weekend with my new family came too quickly. I woke up early on Saturday morning. Usually back at Merewether, I would go swimming or surfing early. But since I am in a new place, I just went straight to the kitchen and made myself coffee.

"Good morning sis!" Gem greeted me cheerfully.

"Couldn't sleep longer?" He asked.

"I'm still getting used to everything and I'm always an early bird anyway because most weekends, I go surfing..." I answered honestly.

Gem flicked his phone and looked towards me.

"Well, it's your lucky day. Go get change, let's go surf." He said excitedly.

"But I don't have my board with me..." I told him.

"Oh don't worry about that. You can use dad's or mom's..." He answered.

"Are you sure?!!!" I asked again.

"Come on before I changed my mind!" Gem finally said.

I quickly sprinted towards the stairs and packed some stuff and changed into my surf suit. When I went back downstairs, Gem was there ready to go.

"I really appreciate you taking me to go surfing today." I told Gem.

"We all love surfing in this house but mom and dad are always tired or busy so we don't get to go together all the time." He answered and walked towards a door that connects to the garage.

Gem showed me the surfboards.and asked me to choose one so he could load it to his truck.

The beach was 20 minutes away. Gem is very kind. He always waited for me and made sure I was fine. He was far from the person that I had imagined this family would be. We surfed for a while until we both felt hungry and decided to go home.

When we got home, everyone was in the dining room while me and Gem were both wet and wrapped in a beach towel.

I was ready if we got scolded. I would just take all the blame.

"Goodmorning! Did you go surfing?" Rose greeted us while she was sipping her cup.

"Yeah... The waves were great too..." Gem answered.

"I'm sorry, we didn't ask permission to go..." I shyly asked while I was looking down.

Rose laughed.

"Your daughter thinks that you are a scary dad." She told my father.

"Oh no kiddo. It's fine. There are worse things that your brothers did in this house than going surfing without asking for permission." He answered jokingly.

Gem already ran towards the stairs.

"Ummm, I will just go change..." I said and walked away.

Sebastian's POV

We were teasing Gem in our group chat because he was caught on a photo surfing with another girl. We never really expected him to cheat on his girlfriend. We were all sending stupid texts in the group chat. It took a long while for Gem to answer.

Gem: What girl?
Jaxon: What do u mean what girl? U're in trouble man!!! Simone will not let this go.
Me: if u scroll up, u can see the photo and u won't be able to deny it man!!!
Carl: Gemini caught in the act! Who's this girl anyway?!
Gem: Watch it! That's my sister u fuckwits!!!

Then a moment of silence.

Jaxon: Sister? She's so hot man!
Gem: Again, watch it! She's my sister, asshole!!!
Carl: U should let us meet her man! Where have u been hiding her?

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