- Info on this timeline -

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Hello! So heres some base information on what the time like is like, more stuff will be told along the way

Also all of Dolls talk will be in english bc im to tired to translate it and have it be wrong 😨
-She/They 18
-Parents killed by V at a relatively young age but still remembers it like it was yesterday
-Has a crush on Liz but wont dare say a word
-Likes to paint to let out feelings but hates letting others see other then close people(Lizzy)
-Closeted lesbian
-Writes in a journal to get out the things she cant tell Liz
-Still has the solver like in the canon although it doesn't connect to the Cyn stuff because dear god thats a-lot to deal with - it just makes her want to eat the oil and have the solver powers
-Loves weighted turtlenecks (see photo)

-She/her 18
-Mom is dead from V also, doesnt like/know V
-Dad is alive but abusive, due to his alcohol use, to Liz and Thad
-Thad is her brother
-Questioning if she likes girls but cant tell if she just really likes being friends with Doll or if its a crush
-Cheer team caption
-Most commonly wears a tanktop with a open jacket (see photo)
-Lizzy is overly stressed but still is trying very hard to be the popular one to not disappoint her father - even though he doesnt care (hes the principal- did i mention that??? idfk sob)

-Lizzy's brother
-Likes basketball?
-Knows Liz is gay but wont say anything - letting her figure shit out on her own


They have both known each other since before Dolls parents were killed.
At this time the doors haven't been breached and Uzi is just a kid in their classes.

Speaking: "blablabla"
Character thinking: blablabla
i dont know what to have bold as so shhhhhhghhhhhh

I don't honestly where ill take this story or how often ill update, I more draw then write so this is just me being silly - tho if anyone is reading this feel free the suggest whatever^^

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