Chapter 1: pilot

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—Dolls POV—

Okay.. I just need to get through this hour and then I'll have last hour with Liz !

Doll was sitting in geometry class, they seem to just be learning about the sizes of doors. Although Doll really couldn't pay attention.

Doll had made plans to study with Lizzy again tonight, Doll finally had -tried- to clean up because they planned to hang out at Dolls.

-Flashback to when she was trying to clean-

oh god..
She looked around the room, full of oil from killed worker drones. She wanted to try and stop but whenever she didn't for almost a week they'd get blurry and hard to function. fuck.. i haven't aten anythin- anyone i guess in,, awhile.?
She couldn't remember but decided to try and go without still. Doll grabbed a mop to get away the oil and body's. It's one of the only secrets she still keeps from Lizzy, well other than she liked her.
ill just - uh shit i should clean more - put everything in the storage closet??? fuck why dont i know the layout of my house
As soon as the broken pieces were shoved in the closet in the kitchen she -
oh fuck- Doll woke up, she was on the floor what.? did i just pass out? what time is it. Doll looked at the analog clock in her kitchen
shit! i should be in 2nd class by now.. i gotta just shove some of this stuff.. somewhere.

-Back to the present-

oh crap-! thats the bell i should probably get to next hour
Doll grabbed her bag and ran out of the room, accidentally shoving a random worker out the way
"sorry!!" shit i didn't mean to shove that person- guess i should be less.. obviously obsessed.
Doll caught up to Lizzy on the way to history class.

—Lizzy POV—

-Cut back to before the bell rang-

Lizzy had english class before last hour but her brain was racing, as always. But Thad would catch her up with what happened, Lizzy was glad she had a great brother.
Wooo finally I get to hang out at Dolls house - wait that sounds weird - wait why am I replying to myself, yknow it's okay, calm down. theres no need to panic?? I. am. a. calm. person. and. we. are. just. studying.

Lizzy just stared at the ground until the bell rang
"Hey lizzy you awake?" That waved his hand infront of her visor
"Oh sorry-! Yea Im awake, thank you Thad"
Lizzy walked out of the class, made sure to walk slow to hope Doll would catch up with her on the way to class.

"LIZ!!" She heard from a distance. Lizzy's vizor immediately lit up after hearing that voice

Doll ran up to Lizzy, then slowing down next her. "Hey Liz^^"
Lizzy was finally feeling better and had less racing thoughts now that Doll was here "Hi Doll! Im glad we can finally do study night at yours"

"Ha,, yea me too."

—Time skip to after class—

—Dolls POV—

oh wtf class is already done.? mh god i hope lizzy doesn't mind my house state,, i was only able to hide the oil.

"uh, by the way, i wasn't able to clean up my whole place.. i might pick up a bit once we get there if thats okay?" Doll was nervous with already being late to class today now this.

"Hey Doll dont worry! I can help clean up if youd like? I find it soothing," Lizzy said as she grabbed Dolls hand and held it up "We'll study and clean your place!"

AAA fuck robo jesus shes holding my hand
"sure! thank-you Liz"

Finally they reached Dolls home, on the walk there they laughed and talked the whole way through.
Doll opens her front door and starts to show Liz around so they can start cleaning.
"So, uh, yknow I was able to mop this morning so we dont have to do that. But down the hall to the left is the bathroom, uh, first to the right is my bedroom" They walked into the main room which was dimly lit "Heh- sorry its kinda dark I dont get guests.."

"Well I think it looks great! We just gotta clean up stuff here and there, I'm glad I finally can see your new place. Well you've lived here.. how long?" Lizzy said as she dragged her hand along the diner table.

"About a year now.." shit i shouldve invited her sooner

Lizzy started to work on dishes as Doll walked around placing things where they belonged. blankets on the couch.. pillow.. ah shit my paint stuff is on the counter
She started to grab her art supplies but as she did Lizzy turned around asking
"Ooo did you paint something again? Your last one was really good"

"Oh- yea I.." Doll stammered before showing, the big canvas had a mix of black paint and dead drones oil displaying the murder drone who killed her parents. She flipped it over to show her "Its nothing much.. just well yknow -her-."

Lizzy just stared for a second but then snapped back into reality, she couldn't notice it was oil because she was stunned by seeing that drone again. "It's really- amazing. Sorry i wanna say more but yknow its"

"Difficult?" Doll trying to help finish her sentence, the drone had both killed their family members. Lizzy could only nod and Doll walked up to her and gave Lizzy a hug, setting down the painting in the process. "Sorry.." Doll started to get out of the hug but Lizzy grabbed her tighter

"No, Thank-you." Lizzy let Doll go and she continued to do the dishes.

oh god oh god she was so gentle god damnit youve hugged her before chill..

—Lizzy POV—

Washing washing oh- ! wheres Doll-?
Lizzy looked around and Doll wasn't to be seen. Doll had just walked into a different room but Lizzy hadn't noticed. Lizzy was confused but started to try and put away dishes, she didn't know where any went but she was happy to help.

She grabbed a big pot. Huh maybe this goes in like a pantry? She looked around until she saw a door. She picked up the pot and walked towards the door, she opened the door and-
Lizzy dropped the pot causing a loud crash along with Lizzy falling backwards. Doll rang into the kitchen as soon as she heard and all she could see was Lizzy on the floor next to the closet of dead murder drones.


Still figuring out how this website works along with.. well how to write but shh im so good at.. grammar.
Anyways cliffhanger boom have a good day y'all ill write more soon but I got work 🏃🏃

(also dont mind the art- i didn't know what to put so I just put a sketch i had done.)

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