Chapter 2: Let me explain..

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—no specific POV-

Lizzy, still on the floor, just had her eyes locked on the dead bodies in the half open door. The oil oozing closer to her. Doll stood across the kitchen eyes and thoughts passing back and forth.

Lizzy felt the oil on her feet and legs as it kept spreading. She finally stopped being a deer in headlights and she scrabbled backwards into the counter. "w-what is that Doll?" She said in a shaking voice staring Doll in the eyes.

Doll took a step forward reaching her arm out to Liz even though still across the from her.

"No! i mean.. uhm. Stay where you are." Lizzy could barely utter the words to Doll. "I.. i" She tried to propped herself up with the counters but her arms gave out and she fell again. Doll flinched but wanted to respect Lizzy's wishes for her to stay. "Fuck.." Lizzy whispered under her breath.

—Dolls POV—

Well fuck. now what do i say? what do i do?? i cant let her tell anyone but i cant scare her.. Dolls thoughts were racing in trying to figure out whatd she say.

"Are.. are you gonna. do that to me?" Lizzy muttered, shaking less but still on the ground.

Doll was stunned Liz would think she would kill her, although she didn't hold it against her. "No-! I'd never hurt you Liz.. but I guess I have some explaining to do? Can I come closer?"

"Mhm.. yea" Lizzy nodded, Doll is her friend, she should trust her.

Doll walked towards Liz and sat down, knees to chest, next towards her frightened friend.
"Well, I was trying to- no.. uh" Doll paused for a second, her visor buffered. "Remember the solver thing? Yknow I can make things move with basically my brain?" Doll looked Lizzy in the eyes.

"Yeah.. I do - ?" Lizzy wondered what that had to do with the pile of dead bodies in front of her.

"Well it comes with a price, and well I've been trying to get rid of it, actually." Doll didn't want to continue but for the sake of their friendship she'd have to. "It makes me need robot oil otherwise I'll overheat and die, Ive been trying to live off it once a week recently but I get blurry and it gets hard to function after that."

"And so you have too? wait - when was the last tim- mm sorry i just.. i just am wondering a lot right now." Lizzy just stared into nothing as she felt something on her shoulder.

"Sorry.." Doll leaned her head on Liz's shoulder, "you can ask anything you need or want to know and I'll tell you the truth."

"Well how.. how does it happen? Like do you remember killing - them" Her eyes gazed onto the dead workers.

"Normally I try to forget it, the painting helps. I try to only take what I need but if I strain myself without it for a long time the.. the solver kinda takes over and I dont even know." Doll stammered, "It seams to want more, but I have been trying to limit it."

"Oh god.. Im so sorry youve had to go through this alone Dolly," She wrapped her arm around Dolls body, "when was the last time you - well uh- is it eating or drinking?"

"Mainly drinking.. Although sometimes parts are good" Doll realized that sounded- weird to word, "Well like- fuck I dont know I'm sorry this is hard.. also Im not sure when I last had some, it was awhile ago but I think I can last another day."

"Well I want you to be safe, we can do this together, you are my best friend and I'll stay by your side." Lizzy laid her head atop Dolls as her was on her shoulder. "Here, I'll help you pick up then we can lay on the couch for a while just to cool down?"

Lizzy stood up with the help of the counters and then lend her hand out for Doll. They both got up and Doll went and grabbed the mop from this morning. Lizzy tried to salvage some of the spilt oil into jars so Doll could use it at a later date. Doll push the dead drones into the closet once more
thats a future me problem.. oh robo god i am so glad that it turned out, okay, shes somewhat understanding and maybe more things will be figured out later. i still need to get to the library soon to find that old ass book my mom wrote about..

-Lizzy POV-

holy crap - Well, that was a lot to deal with, Ill feel better after we can just sit down, maybe we can watch a movie? Maybe we can snuggle.. WAIT WHAT no no what she kills people?? and your not gay - dolls just a good friend yes okay brain??? jeez- AH! ?

"And scoop! Haha, here come on this is a problem for future me, lets just lay down for now, wanna watch something?" Doll exclaimed as she picked up Liz in the princess carrying pose and start to walk towards the couch.

"Oo uhh, hm what about that old movie, something like 'It came from copper nine'? Not the new one with that weird kid staring but the old one" Lizzy remembered they rebooted it recently and it was just not it.

"Ouuu ok! Sounds good to me," Doll moved a pillow over and set Liz down on the couch then grabbed a giant blanket for them to share. Before she sat she went and put in the disk for the movie and grabbed the remote. Doll pressed play and sat down close the Lizzy under the blanket. "Hey Liz?"


"Do you mind if I lay near you, this movie always gives me the creeps" Doll started to show sweat on her visor but tried hiding it. Doll did get alittle scared of this movie but honestly she just wanted to be comforted by Liz.

"Oh yea ofcourse! Here come here" Lizzy said as she patted a place where doll would be laying on her legs. Doll laid down, their head lying on Lizzy's thighs and arms around her waste.

oh god oh god Lizzys visor started to blush. Shes so calm and laying on my lap??? what the fuck - ok no calm down lizzy. You are fine, its just Doll. ah just Doll.. NO NO but her hair does look soft and i could just play with it alittle?


Heyo! New chapter out bam! uh i wanna make art for this one and the next one so i might take a hot second to get photos there

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