𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 II 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬

390 6 0

Tags: [College][Academic Rivals][Fight For Dominance][Size kink][Name-calling][Slightly Public]

Synopsis: Your family and Geto's have known each other since you were kids. Growing up, you and him were in an academic rivalry due to the competitive nature of the parents. This competitive relationship continued in university, where you two are now. Due to an unfortunate coincidence, you two were forced into a group project.

Word Count: 4,167


You leaned against a fist as you drew scribbles on your iPad screen, half-paying attention to the professor in the front of the class.

"Up here," the old professor gestured to the whiteboard, "You will see your name under a group number. These are going to be your partners for your final project."

A symphony of sighs, grunts, and complaints echoed throughout the lecture hall. You kept silent but felt the same sentiments as the other students. Group projects were the absolute worst. Getting stuck with someone lazy, incompetent, or uncooperative made finals even more torturous than they already were. Despite the skepticism, you hoped you would be paired with people who wanted to quickly get over with the assignment as much as you did.

The professor coughed to call the class back to attention, referring back to the board, "These arrangements are permanent. I will take no requests to switch partners or to work alone. Architecture is a collaborative field, after all. If you cannot handle being thrown into a group of strangers and delivering something that meets an employer's expectations, I suggest changing career paths. Got it?"

Begrudgingly, the students nodded in compliance and headed toward the front of the class to look for their names on the board. You waited in your seat as a crowd of people squeezed in between each other, seeing a few faces you would not mind working with.

"Hey, loser."

You rolled your eyes at the familiar deep voice, a waft of cologne you despised smacking you in the face. You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, already feeling a migraine slowly creep behind your right eye, "What do you want, asshole?"

Geto sat beside you, revealing the smug smirk that accompanied his usual tone with you: condescending, sarcastic, know-it-all. He crossed his arms across his chest, his ridiculously large biceps bulging through his plain black tee. His legs followed suit, spreading enough until his knee touched yours. You refused to back down from his stupid manspreading and pushed your leg against his in clear defiance. He only smiled, which earned him a scowl.

"How are you feeling about the final? I heard your grade took a beating on the last exam," he whispered in a low chuckle. "Got to get your head in the game if you plan to pass with a higher grade than me."

A flashback to your declaration of beating him with a better grade than him during a large family-friend gathering crossed your mind. You had a bit to drink, and the anger from his snarky comments about your academic incompetence and your parents telling you to be more like him sent you over the edge. It was already bad enough that you two ended up attending the same university, but to also major in architecture was the universe's attempt at being funny. And you definitely weren't laughing.

"Don't act like you did well either," you began, putting your things away once you noticed the students disperse from the board. "Your little friend spilled the beans at the frat party a few nights ago." You smiled at Geto's glower, steam practically shooting out of his ears. You put on your backpack and tucked your hair behind your ear, "By the way, tell Gojo I said hey."

Jujutsu Kaisen Oneshots 18+Where stories live. Discover now