Chapter 5

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My muscles ached. Dancing until dawn and training without sleep was probably not the best idea, but damn, it made me feel alive. There was nothing better than the dull ache in my thighs with each kick, the spasm that threatened to take hold of my biceps with each punch. This is what it means to be alive: to feel pain and exhaustion and still move, still fight. My fist slammed into a sharp, defined jaw for the third time since I stepped into the ring. Almost every kick and punch hit its mark, only occasionally being deflected or blocked, but no attack has landed against me.

"Lee! We've been over this! Stop leaving your side open!" Jasmine was hollering from beside the ring, her brow furrowed in frustration. I didn't give the boy a chance to recover before slamming my foot into the side of his knee, causing him to topple onto his hands and knees.

"Get up, Lee." I grumbled, fighting a smirk as I kicked his side, causing him to curl over.

"I yield!" The young male's voice was hoarse as he gasped for air. His arms curled around his side where I kicked him. Not even five minutes. He didn't last five damn minutes.

"Dammit, Lee." Jasmine sighed before vaulting the fence and walked over to help the young male to his feet. "Manie, come get him." The other recruit, who was now a few shades paler than usual since his fight with me just before Lee, came over to help the other out of the ring. Both had a slight limp due to bruises quickly forming on their ribs and legs. I've been gone for three months, and it's as if they've learned nothing.

"Well done with training, Jaz." I teased with a smirk before brushing some of the dirt off my bare stomach.

"I tried, Commander. At least they can last five minutes; they started at two. They yielded on the first punch." Jasmine sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger.

"How about you show them how it's done then?" I challenged, flashing a fang through my grin, and her eyes brightened at the challenge. She knew I was in a good mood, so our fight could last hours.

"Hey, dipshits." Jasmine whipped around to face the two recruits lingering by the water fountain. "Next time, I want you to last 10 minutes, or you'll have daily training with the Commander. For now, watch and learn." The young males' eyes widened at the threat. I could hear their hearts racing at the idea of fighting me every day, and I could have sworn Manie grew even paler. However, they obeyed and found a spot around the ring to watch. Jasmine's gaze met mine again, and she gave me a lupine smile before stalking a few steps away from me, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Are you ready, beautiful?" I purred, rolling my neck and shoulder.

"Wherever you are, Commander." She countered by bouncing on the balls of her feet before assuming a fighting stance. Her feet were squared, her shoulders relaxed, and her hands were guarding her face and chest. This is going to be the highlight of my day. A heartbeat passed before we both moved simultaneously. Faster than I was allowed with the recruits. I threw a heavy punch at her chest, and she blocked it perfectly, countering with a low kick that I quickly deflected. Another punch followed her kick, and I threw my arm up to block my face. My forearm knocked hers away before I countered with a roundhouse kick. The heel of my boot nearly connected with her shoulder when she slammed an open hand into my calf, forcing me to spin back around as she kicked at my ribs, and I let her. As soon as her boot slammed into my ribs, I quickly locked my arm around her leg, pinning it to my side. Her eyes widened for a split second as I smirked. The impact caused my ribs to vibrate for a split second before I secured her knee with my free hand. I took a step to the side, using every ounce of my strength to yank her to the side. I used that momentum to force her last foot off the ground and threw her over my shoulder until her back slammed into the ground. I let go of her leg in the process. Her breath hitched on impact, and I could hear the recruits holding their breath, but she quickly recovered, rolling over and finding her feet again. Matching my vicious grin. Speed matched speed, blow matched blow. I let her get a hit in just to use it against her over and over. Sweat quickly coated our skin, our black sports bras turning gray from the dirt and sand. My hair was tightly braided down my back, but a few strands came loose and plastered against my neck and forehead. Jasmine's chestnut ponytail came partially loose as I slammed a fist into her jaw, causing an immediate bruise. She landed a solid punch to my ribs in response. We lost ourselves in the brawl. Thriving on the pain and excitement. Like a dance. I take one step, she recedes one; she throws a punch, and I match it. A perfect rhythm. A perfect unit. Like the limbs of the same body, controlled by a single mind.

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