Chapter 9

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A dull ache settled in his neck, and the sunlight pulled him from his sleep. The blackout curtains were pulled to the side, tied down by elegant braided twine and red tassels. For a moment, he was unsure of where he was until the glint of red hair caught his eye from where she stood in front of a full-length mirror beside the door. Cernunnos, burn him, she was beautiful. So beautiful, it made his heart ache and twist. Her long, red hair was freshly brushed, and her delicate fingers skillfully worked the strands into a long French braid. She wore nothing but her usual black leather pants and training bra, the same outfit he had seen so many times in the past, but it still took his breath away. Her dragon tattoo shimmered in the morning sunlight, and even the sleeve tattoos seemed to cling to her as if they too wished to touch her. He envied them; he always envied them. Their eyes finally locked in the mirror's reflection. Those stunning emerald gems could notice anything, no matter how small. The eyes of a trained killer. The eyes that visited him in his dreams more times than he could count.

"Good morning. Did you sleep alright?" She mused, her voice always sent tendrils of shivers down his spine. Throaty and delicate. He always thought her voice didn't match the danger of who and what she was. It's alluring and so unbelievably sexy, but it was a trap. That sweet voice can cut you just as easily as her blades, and gods, he craved it. Each and every day.

"As well as one can hope on a damn armchair." He drawled before finally pushing himself out of his chair. Every muscle protested. As if he trained for 14 hours straight. He rolled his shoulders, biting back a hiss at the uncomfortable ache.

"I do remember saying you didn't have to sleep there." She chuckled as she tied off the braid with a black hair tie.

"And I do remember you nearly being killed yesterday. One night's uncomfortable sleep is worth your life, Syl." He sighed, waved his hand, and a duffle bag appeared on the chair where he had slept. He could practically hear her rolling her eyes as he dug through the bag for his leathers.

"It would take more than a hunter to kill me, Felix." There it was, the venom. As sweet as she might sound, she was dangerous. More so than people believe. He watched her kill a fly from 10 feet away with a dagger throw. He's trained with her for decades and still got his ass handed to him more times than he would admit, but that only ever made him desire her more. She's blessed by Cernunnos in more ways than just her looks.

"They have Palladium blades now, Syl. We're not risking it." He mused before tucking his gear under his arm. She shifted towards the bed, tugging on her leather boots.

"132 have failed. More will fail in the future." She mumbled with a small smirk on her lips, and he couldn't help but stare at it. The lips he's craved for decades, the lips he's kissed so many times, and only one thought remained. Want her. Need her. Claim her. He gingerly reached out to brush a loose strand of red hair from her forehead, and her gaze immediately met his. Those emerald gems could capture everything, deciphering every thought racing through his mind. Cernunnos, burn him. Her eyes trailed over his bare torso, taking in the hard muscles on his chest and abdomen. Her gaze burned his skin, sending his mind into primal chaos and need. His wolf thrashed inside him, eager to touch her as well. His wolf always had a thing for hers, but he knows she would never return the affection. She struggles with these types of emotions. Always have. In the 60 years that he has known her, he has never once heard her say those three words. Not to her siblings, not even to Jasper, and he respected that. He would wait an eternity for her if that's what she needs. She was worth it. Her eyes lingered on the waistband of his sweatpants and what they concealed. His cock was hard the moment he saw her when he woke up, and it hasn't subsided since. The vanilla and rose scent enveloped him, and his wolf purred with delight as her hands gripped the freshly made bedding. As if she had to restrain herself from touching him. Then a new scent mixed with that lovely aroma. Desire. She knew the effect she had on him, and he knew that her body reacted the same way to him. He has had his chance with more than enough females, but none of them compare to her, and none ever will. So, he swore them off. Her eyes finally met his again, and he could see the mental struggle she was experiencing. She desired him, but not in the way he desired her, and he knew the moment he could touch her, fuck her. He would never be able to let go, and she knew that too, so she always said no. It didn't hurt when she rejected him. She could easily kill him if she truly wanted to, but she only ever said no.

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