Chapter 21

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It's been nearly a week, and we have nothing to show for it. Four towns deep into this damn assignment, and I'm starting to get sick of the sand and heat. No one seems to be aware of strangers gathering in their lands; at least that's what every innkeeper said when we asked, and I couldn't detect any lies from them. My black leathers are now a faint gray from the dust and sand as we stalk down the main road of Holden, one of the few towns in this hell hole that doesn't keep human slaves.

Thankfully, we haven't run into Tomas and his goons, but yesterday was far too close for my liking. We'd been in Tranmere, one of the best cities to buy yourself a human slave. We were sitting outside an inn, another that had no information for us about what we're looking for, when a High Fae male knocked a poor human girl onto her knees. Her cheek bore the mark of a slave, and I couldn't place her age beyond 14. She'd merely asked her master for a cup of water because she'd been out delivering messages for him all morning and had just returned from Wimborne, the town a few miles from Tranmere. She'd been dirty and sand-blasted from the journey. I had to fight every instinct to kill the bastard for hurting her. How can anyone justify doling out a beating for simply asking for water? Felix, on the other hand, couldn't control his own temper, and before we could stop him, he was beating the male into the sandy road. I should have stopped him, but I honestly didn't want to. I had my blade palmed when the voice warned me of approaching guards. So we moved, leaving the male battered and bruised in the dirt. Reece offered his flask to the girl just as the soldiers rounded the corner down the street, but by the time they arrived, we had already left. I remember seeing that lovely scar I left on his cheek from a distance when we rounded the corner, and we were on to the next town before anyone could spot us leaving. I won't be surprised if Tomas was in Tranmere for a new slave or two; they rarely lived a week under his care.

A familiar arm coiled around my waist, pulling me from my thoughts, and I instinctively hooked my arm around Jasmine's shoulder. Far down the road, the sign of the Safe Ship Tavern came into view. Hopefully, we'll learn something here. Damon's messages the last few days have been annoyingly instructive. I assume they're just as frustrated as we are with the lack of results.

"If I have to dirty one more pair of leathers, I will pray to Dagda to flood this damned desert." Reece mumbled behind us, and Jasmine snickered.

"What are you complaining about, prince? You have people wash your clothes for you; I have to do it myself when I get home." She mused, leaning into my side.

"You can't blame me for being born into a baron's family." Reece countered, kicking at the pebbles in the sand.

"Ignore him; he's just a cranky old man." Felix teased and received a shove from his friend in reply. I smiled to myself at their bickering, which has become constant over the last two days. I don't blame them. This entire assignment has become quite dull and a waste of time. I tuned out the rest of their bickering to watch the Lesser and High Fae milling about the streets.

Up ahead, left pocket. My body shivered at the voice, and I trained my eyes on the short male striding towards us. He looked nervous, glancing over his shoulders ever so often. I slowly moved out of Jasmine's reach and lined myself up with the male. This is where my time on the streets came in handy. In only a few long strides, the male walked straight into me, and my hand found its way into his pocket.

"I suggest you watch where you're going." I seethed, narrowing my eyes at the male as he stared up at me wide-eyed. My fingers curled around a piece of paper, and I used my other hand to shove him aside, easily slipping the note from his pocket and crumbling it into my fist as he tried to regain his balance. As he fumbled for his words, I forced every bit of violence to show in my eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry. P-Please forgive me." I simply glared at him until he turned and rushed past us.

"What the hell was that, Syl?" Felix mumbled as we fell into step towards the tavern again, and I pinched the note between my fingers before showing them.

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