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• A/N : I write this cz Im boring...My Eng is bad lmao

That was a starry night...
The boy snuggled under the blanket,
hugged the small stuffed dragon tightly, muttering :
-"Are I'm going to sleep?"
-"I won't..."
The sound of the clock ticking continuously along the boy's tension...
-"Where is this place...?"

Standing on the water, the boy curiously looked at the nothingness ahead.
"Are you...Edward?"
Hearing the deep yet attractive voice, the boy startled, looking around.

"I'm right beside you..."

-"W-who are you? And how do you know my name?"

The girl with white, black hair appear. She looks innocent, about the same age as Edward. She giggling

"I'm Zip! How can you forget who I am?"

The boy confused, muttering something.

How is he here?

Why does this girl know his name?

And what does she mean by "How can you forget who I am?"

Has he met she yet?

Shaking head, he assert that he had never met this girl before.

"Oh yea, I forgot something."
"Let's pretend we've never met,
Wanna be my friend? My name is Zip."

She held out her hand, smiling.
He doesn't know who is she, but it feels familiar.
She's almost...No, exactly like the ideal girlfriend he always had in mind.

-"Yea...- I'm Edward..."

When his hand touch hers,
The rippling feeling of ocean waves evokes, gentle and calm.
Where the heart feels light...
Where sweet saplings sprout,
It seems he knows how to love.
They walked hand in hand through the small ocean waves, the sound of water whispering in their ears.
Crossing boundaries,
The space becomes more colorful with each clumsy step the boy takes.

"Let me take you to a quiet place, where it's just you and I lying on the grass filled with daisies,"

-"Cutie." The boy giggling.

"It sounds cute, doesn't it?"
Sometimes the ocean waves are gentle, sometimes quiet, and sometimes fierce....

The waves won't give them peace of mind.
Love Dream - JangJang
Number of letters : 331

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