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"Hey Edward!"


"I wanna ask you if you love me even though I'm not real?"

-"You'll be the dream of mine, in every night...And I'll love you endlessly."

"Hehe...That's a sweet, super sweet answer from you!"

"And yeah, I'm your dream.
So, I'll be the one with an endless lifespan...
And if I say, I'll love you until I die,
That means I'll love you forever.
Even though If you die...
Or even though if I forget who you are...
I'll always know that I was inlove badly with a person...
That they'll never forget about me."




-"That was a sweet nightmare..."
Maybe, the number of nightmares about this girl will be an unreachable number.

An impossible amount came, he was so bothered that he fell madly in love with her.

Is that little affectionate smile is just his?

Looking at his trembling hand, he muttering, was what she said true and would the love she said he kept in his heart be dimmed by the light?

Shaking his head and starting to realize how sick he was, he sighed and composed himself as always.

-"What if Zip is a real person?"

He starts thinking, that's...Possible.

-"I'll go ask everyone around the school..."

-"They might know who is she."

Edward lays down and sighs.


The next morning

Edward arrived at a nearby café, choose a empty table and sit, orders a lime soda.

Not so late, a guy arrives.

_"Yo Edward! What do you want huh?"

-"Yo Oliver."

Yeah, the guy is Oliver. He want to ask Oliver something because Oliver is the person who have lots of informations.

-"Uh, sit down."

_"Yeah I orded a strawberry juice"

_"And what do you want, huh?"

-"Do you know...A girl with black and white hair name Zip?"

Oliver shocks, his eyes widen as Edward ask.

_"How did you know about my friend? I never told you anything about Zip..."

-"I uh...What? You know her?"

-"I might tell you all about what happened to me..."

_"Oh yeah I'll listen to you"

Edward starts to tell Oliver what happened...

-"And I...
Accidentally fell in love with her."

_"Oh that was crazy...But you're my close friend, so I'll trust you."

_"About Zip...Uh, I really don't know where is she, I just know that she has a vacation, and she will back in...1 year?"

-"Any social media...?"

_"Oh yeah I still keep in touch with her...But I think she is stubborn so, uhh..."

Oliver's voice is lower a bit, seem like he doesn't want to say it.

-"Okay...? Thanks for the information."

_"And don't worry, I'll introduce you to Zip when she back."



Number of words : 447

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