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"I left my heart in the ripples on the sea, where you and I are."

As always,
He's having nightmare.
He walks to the beach with the girl...
Hand in hand, she leads him into the water, farther and farther...

He wakes up because of the noise.
Looks at the phone, he frowns in discomfort.

-"Who trying to text me at this time..."

Grabs the phone and turns it on, he looks in the spam messages section.

-"Zp_c4ptain. ? Huh..."

He trying to reads all the messanges.

-"Wait...Zp...Zip? Captain?"

-"They're trying to ask if I know Oliver and saying that they're Oliver's friend..."

-"Could it be...Her?"

He texts them back.

•  Messanges :
E : Yes I am. Who are you?
Z : Did you really had some nightmares about me when we just like- Never meet?
E : I don't know...
E : But I really have some nightmares about a girl name Zip.
Z : That's me...
E : YOU??
E : And how did you find out my account?
Z : Oliver told me.
E : Lmao...
E : Uhhh...Wanna be friends?
Z : Oh really?
E : You're just like my dream...
Z : Lmao
E : I'm going to sleep now.
Z : See you after

• • •

There was a smile on his lips.
His hands shaking, not believe that he just texted to the girl he madly inlove with.

-"Does this mean I can...

Get out of the nightmare...?"

He happily lays down, start to sleep again.
Faint moonlight reflected on the still water surface...
The sound of crimson water drops falling into the lake, gently letting the stained blood stain the water.
He looked at his trembling blood-stained hand, then slightly raised his eyes...

"Edward? Why are you here?"

"Aw, I miss you so much..."

"Where did you go?"

"If you dare to leave me again,
I won't hesitate to kill you."

He looks at his leg, which has been broken.

Shocked, he starting to feels dizzy...


Count of words : 326

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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