4. Strange.

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"Edward! You home!"

-"Aw, my little...umm..Zip. I've been miss you all the time"

He doesn't know, why he keep forgot her name.
He smiling at his faceless wife...
This is a marriage that starts from their love.

"I made some spaghetti! I bet you and my little bro will love it~"

-"Spaghetti? Aww, you always know what I want..."

"Hehe...It's because I'm your wife...Your little pirate!"

-"Little? Do you think you're so smalllll?"

"Yea I'm your baby, isn't that right?"

-"You always right..."

How wonderful love.

Until he look up at the clock.

Why is there a clock here?

When did this clock come from?

He can't see the time clearly, the watch is bent, blurred, and black.

Suddenly, the headache come again.

His heart felt like it was broken into pieces like a mirror, his mouth tried to open as if he wanted to say something.

(What time is it...?
Why do come home on the right time?)

His mind was spinning, he was staggering... Thousands of questions continuously entered his head.

-"Hh...Who are you...?"

"I'm Zip."

"Are you forgot who I am again?"

"I'm your wife."

Zip's face darker, she sighs.

[It's end now..]

-"Zip...I remember who you are..!"

-"Why you face are...blank?"

-"Why your voice are...hoarse...?"

-"And...your voice is so shrill..."

-"You never look like this..."

"Do I?"

"Ah, you finally found the strange on me."

"I've been waiting for this too long..."

"I never want to hurt you feeling."

"But everytime you arrive, you always forgot who I am."

"I thought that you'll say that I'm so weird like everytime..."

"I love you and you love me..."

-"Stop talking nonsense-"


-"You're...my wife...Don't you?"

-"Don't joke around. This isn't funny."


"I'm just your hallucination..."

His eyes opened wide, his mouth stammered as if he wanted to speak but his throat was choked.

She gradually disappeared, and their room, always filled with sweetness, gradually fell apart.

"Want to go to have some ice cream when you wake up?"

Everything disappeared, and in front of him is a...large mirror.

I am?"

-"I have...No face?"

-"All is just a dream?"

-"Why don't you tell me at the first place?"

he punched the mirror, the fishy red liquid flowed out.

The entire mirror broke.

Like his mind right now.

The mirror collapsed on him, digging into his skin.

The torn skin reflected in the mirror shards.

His body gradually melted into fresh black liquid, accompanied by the sound of broken mirror pieces hitting the cold ground.


He wake up, sweating profusely, his body trembled, hugging the dragon stuffed tightly.

"Few...All is just a dream..."

"A dream?"

"What does that girl means..."

He isn't notice that on his neck is that girl's necklace.


Number of words : 475

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