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A week has passed and things have only gotten worse.

I keep reminding myself that I must love Ace and that whatever he does, I must like it. But the manner in which he has been...abusing me is getting difficult for me to sustain.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I sighed. Brusies and cuts marked my body, while my neck bled at the moment. Ace had tore off my skin and laughed at the attempt, the pain killing me with each passing second.

"Ughh!" I hissed as I splashed water on the tear. It was very painful. The blood had begun to clot and I had the first aid kit with me to bandage the area.

"What should I do now?" I murmured to myself after aiding my neck. "Ace, I truly love you, but...stop doing this to me. No, no. He won't understand that way." I pondered for a moment. "Ace, you may hurt me, it's alright. But could you be less harsh? It really hurts. Oh yes, that's perfect!"

I smiled to myself. I knew Ace had such harming tendencies but if I mentioned it to him with clarity, he would surely lessen the torture.

"I'm back!"

I turned to the sound of Ace announcing his arrival. He had gone out for buying some supplies from the money which Stacy had granted before. She had not been able to visit us ever since but was in contact with us.

Sighing, I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hey," I smiled. Ace unzipped his hoodie and removed the mask off his face, revealing his now bare torso. It was lined with scratches and my teeth marks, which I had made in attempts of running away from him, but to no avail.

Throwing off the supplies on the couch, Ace walked up to me and wrung his arms around my waist, pulling me closer into him.

Kissing me on the neck, he said, "You liked it, didn't you?"

He was mentioning the tear he had made on my neck. I gulped. This was when I had to speak it out.

"No," I replied. He moved back and stared at me in confusion. "Ace, I understand that you like hurting me and all, and it's totally fine. I like the same but-"

"But what?" he growled.

I gulped. "B-but, c-can you be less harsher? It truly hurts badly. I don't mind if you cause me pain but-"

Lifting his right arm, Ace caught my neck. He began squeezing it, causing me to panick.

"Listen my Kitty, you're mine and only mine. And I get to decide what I do to you. So you understand that?"

"W-w-wha-ughh," I choked. He kissed me on my lips, taking my breath away. I began writhing, unable to breathe and trying to get away from his grip on my neck. It was all worthless.

Thankfully, before I could've lost myself entirely, he released my neck as I dropped to the ground, panting hard.

"A-Ace, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing what's right for us," he grumbled. Bending down, he lifted up my face by clenching my jawline. "Look, I'm done with playing the sweet guy for you. You know what? I'd always desired to torture you, to abuse you, to make you cry while I take in the pleasure. But everytime I thought about it, I feared losing you, feared you might run away from me. But now, you're mine, ONLY MINE!"

Tears rolled down my face. What was Ace saying? How could he thinks of me this way?

"Please Ace!" I sobbed. "Please don't do this to me! I love you, but please don't harm me. Can't we just love each other and live happily together?"

"I love you too my sweetheart," he clenched my jaw harder making me sob more. "But my love for you is more intense you see? And I'm sure that you'll realise it soon that this is the way you must love me too!"

With that, he swung me up on his shoulder and carried me into the bedroom. And then the apartment echoed with my cries of pain as Ace slapped, scratched, tore my skin, printed his fingers all over my body and almost choked me to death. I don't remember when I lost my consciousness, but once I did, I'm not certain whether he abused me even during my unconsciousness.

I woke up a while later, my body burning with pain and drenched in sweat, blood and fluids. My condition was horrifying, but I had to deal with it.

Straightening up, I looked around the room. The sound of shower from the washroom meant that Ace was bathing. Should I escape? But where will I got to? Not to my father, he would kick me out of the house immediately or might turn me in to the cops stating that I'm Ace's accomplice. Maybe my friends could help me out? Yes, that would be better.

Slowly, I got up from the bed. My body ached from head to toe from the scratches, pinches, bites, thrusting and whatnot. Picking up my T-shirt and pant from the floor, I quickly wore them up, not caring how dirty I was and made a run.

The door was right in front of me. I ran towards it and dashed on to it. My head was spinning with the effort. Quickly, I turned the door knob.

What? Why was it locked? I tried opening once more. No, the door wouldn't open.

"You can't get out of here."

I turned in shock, to witness Ace's nude self standing in front of me. Tears rolled down my eyes at the realisation.

"Y-you can't do this to me!" I screamed. "Let me out of here!"

"SHUT UP!" Ace slapped me across my face and I fell on the floor. Looking up at his imposing figure, I felt dread and anxiety crawl into me. I could not become a prisoner, I would not let myself be.

Immediately, I pulled Ace's leg, catching him off guard and making him fall face down. Quickly, I got up and made my run into the room. The key must be somewhere, all I had to do was search for it.

"AAAAAARGGHH!!" A sudden pull of my hair made me scream out loud. Ace caught me by my hair and the other hand around my throat, squeezing it hard.

"My Kitty, what do you think you're doing, huh?" Tears rolled down my eyes as I tried to breathe in air. My body was already in pain due to the bruises he had made and now he was choking me to my death.

Saliva dripped down my mouth while Ace leaned forward and licked it away. I started to lose my consciousness but he released his grip from my neck making me cough horribly.

I fell on to my knees and kept coughing. I wailed in sorrow and brought up my hands in front of Ace, placing my palms together.

"I beg you," I begged looking up at him, "please let me go! I'll die this way!"

"No my baby," he bent down and clasped my face in his palm, "I won't let you die, ever. You'll be with me till my last moment, that I'll ensure."

I cried as slowly Ace forced himself on me once again.

A/N: Hello my lovely readers, hope y'all are doing well in your lives! I hope you loved this chapter, and if so please do vote and comment, it truly helps and keeps me inspired to make more chapters! Unfortunately, for this week and the next, I won't be able to update this book twice since I must complete my ONC 2024 book "Two Birds" at the earliest. But after that, I'll focus on this book entirely. Have a wonderful week!!

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