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Stacy rushed into the school, ready to face the one who had caused it. She was fuming in anger, rage boiling within her.

"She has gone too far now," Stacy mumbled as she pushed aside students while making her way to the playground. "How dare she report them?"

As she emerged into the playground, Stacy saw about half a dozen girls practicing cheerleading together. The formations they made were well practiced as they moved about in precision and of course, catching the eyes of many boys around as they stared at them quirkily.

Among them was Stacy's nemesis, Sasha, the one who was leading the cheerleading team.

Stacy stormed towards them and the girls abruptly stopped as they saw Stacy make her way towards Sasha. Sasha crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at her confidently.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Stacy thundered and kicked Sasha in the abdomen, making her falling back. The other girls shrieked in horror while two of them helped Sasha up.

"What the hell Stacy!" Sasha yelled. "How dare you attta-"


"Oh I sure did!" Sasha spat on Stacy's heels. "Afterall, your brother is a running fugitive."

"SHUT UP!" Stacy punched Sasha hard on her face, hard enough to break a tooth off her mouth. Blood emerged from her mouth as she looked at Stacy in anger.

Immediately she kicked Stacy between her legs, stunning her momentarily and gave Stacy a loud smack across her face. The two of them soon went into a horrifying struggle, tearing and breaking each other apart.

A whistle rang through the playground as the coach hurried his way towards the girls who were ready to kill one another.

"Stop it, NOW!" he ordered.

The two of them stopped, both bloodied and bruised. Stacy's nose was bleeding hard, her arms full of scratches and cuts while Sasha was in a similar situation except that Stacy had once again, similar to months back, tore off a bunch of hair out of Sasha's head.

"To the Principal's office, NOW!" the coach commanded.

The two of them made their way to the Principal's office while the others watched them go.

"But how did Sasha learn about where Ace and Nayan were?" Stealla spoke to Sandra as she watched Stacy and Sasha being taken away. "Unless..."

"Unless someone betrayed us," Sandra said.

Their faces turned pale, as they looked at each other suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that, I would never!" Sandra complained.

"And neither would I!" Stella exclaimed.

As Sasha passed them she gave them a wide grin. Smirking, she yelled, "Oh, why of course, it was Cat you idiots."


"You're a devil!"

"Listen to me Nayan! Calm down. It's not that big of a deal."

"You just rode on someone and killed them and you're saying it's not a big deal?"

I had truly lost it. How could've Ace so easily killed the guard who was just trying to do his duty? It's agreed that if we would've listened to the guard, we would probably be caught by the cops. But that doesn't mean he could kill anyone he likes!

We were in the hotel room that Ace had booked hurriedly. It was in the outskirts of the city hence there were lesser chances for us to get caught. We were in the room while he tried to calm me down. I however was disgusted, disgusted at how easily Ace could take others' lives.

"Calm down Nayan," he approached me and attempted to hold my shoulders but I backed off. However, I fell on the bed as he looked down at me.

"Don't take a step further!" I exclaimed. "Or-"

"Or what?" he glared. Before I could squeak, he was on top of me, pinning me down on the bed. I struggled to move from under him, but it was all in vain.

"AH!" I cried as the pain on my right arm intensified with my futile attempts. He looked at me and smiled.

"Stop causing yourself pain my Kitty, you'll get to nowhere from here."

"Shut up!" I said. "You don't-"

He immediately caught my jaw, making me pause. With his other arm, he caught my neck and began choking me, hard.

I began losing my breath as he bent down and met his lips with mine. He kissed me hard as I writhed beneath his weight, struggling to get out from under his body and be able to breathe.

"You're mine," he whispered as he took my breath away, "you'll not go anywhere without me."

"M-move-ah!" Ace bit my lip, causing it to bleed slightly. He licked my blood as the feeling provided me with both pleasure and pain. I felt my organ grow up. Why, oh why was I feeling pleasure from this?

Ace was a monster. He had killed two individuals and was keeping me captive against my will. He was bad, very bad.

"You're very bad!" I exclaimed.

My sentence made him laugh. I couldn't understand why would he laugh on that. I really meant it. He was bad, truly bad!

"Look at you Nayan, all so sweet and charming." He traced his fingers around my face, smirking. "This is why I love you so much, you're so sweet and innocent."

"I'M NOT INNOCENT!" I yelled. "Now get off me!"

"No I won't."

"The cops should've caught you," I spoke. "You deserve to be behind the bars!"

The words triggered him as he pulled my hair back, glaring at me as I whined in pain. He immediately attacked my neck, biting and pinching it with his teeth and lips as I wailed in pain.

"S-Stop..." I couldn't speak further as Ace took me up in his arms and began undressing me. I struggle but in vain as he undressed both of us to nude.

And once more, he began with his pounding inside me, making me cry and scream in pain. I wished, I so wished for someone to come and save me from the hell I was facing but I knew that I had no one for my rescue.

Not even law was capable of catching this murderer...this rapist...this killer who enjoyed giving pain to the others.

"I'll make them pay," he murmured as he pounded into me harder. "I'll make the person pay for what they did to your arm."

I gulped as dread overtook me. Whoever it had been, Ace was not going to let them be. Probably even alive.

A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Good week, is it not? Well, I hope it is for you! Hope this chapter was exciting like the others and please do let me know if any editing or changes need to be made. However, I'm fearing the worst right now. Considering how Wattpad has been working, I'm just fearful that what if this story gets taken down due to the mature content involved...But in any case, stay healthy, eat and drink healthy and don't fall for an Ace! ;-)

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