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Note: This chapter is written from Ace's pov.

I'm aware that this shit is going to be difficult, but I must do it, I have to.

"Thanks brother, this will really help."

I thanked Rock as he handed me over a silencer for the handgun I had taken from the cop during our escape from the apartment. A silencer was a must for what I was about to do.

"Nah bro, that's alright," he patted my shoulder. Rock was a dealer, talk about weeds, weapons or anything of that kind. I had known him since years, considering we used to study together. But when he had murdered his own brother, he had to run away and ever since was in hiding.

"Ya know, be more careful out there," he suggested. "Cops are hunting you down like crazy. One mistake and you're goner."

"I know," I sighed. "But I can't let the wrongdoers move around in jolly."

He smirked. "Now that's my brotha. Alright, take care chap, don't get turned in."

I smiled. "Bet I won't."

Exiting his garage, I looked around. It was the infamous part of the city, the one known for its crimes and offensive dwellers. Someone like Nayan would never survive being here.

Walking towards my Porche, I entered the car and placed the silencer aside, right next to where the handgun was placed. I drove off into the evening as determined as ever to avenge Nayan's pain.

First stop, Cat's.

It was dark by the time I reached her mansion. Yes, she was quite rich, more than I used to be. But did that concern me? Not the least. Soon she would be nothing but a dead body, lying on the floor.

I exited my car as I hid it out of sight near the bushes. My Porche was not in a good condition but it was anyhow working altogether.

Sneakily, I made my way to the mansion's walls. I had been to this place many times, hence I knew everything about the cameras and the layout of the place. I was well equipped with everything I needed.

Bringing along a rope who's end was fixed to a hook, I swung it up the wall and allowed the hook to get set against the wall's edge. It took me three tries but ultimately it worked. With efforts, I slowly climbed my way up the wall, hoping the hook wouldn't come out any second.

Yes, I made it up the wall. Thankfully it was not fenced or it would've been trickier for me to handle.

As soon as I reached the top of the wall, I made a quick jump to the other end, landing efficiently on the ground. Slowly, I made my way to the mansion, keeping my eyes wide open for the cameras or any person.

Cat's room was on the second floor, but I knew very well how to climb up to it. A pipe ran down from its balcony to the ground, and it was the solution to my problems.

I caught the pipe and got ready to climb my way up using it. Glancing around to ensure nobody was watching me, I set my foot on the base of the pipe.

Slowly, I made my way up, setting my foot carefully on the attachments of the pipe. It was easier said than done but the hours of workout and flexibility was definitely helping me out.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I finally reached the balcony. I jumped into it and looked around, ensuring that no one had seen me.

Slowly, I approached the door that led into Cat's room. There she was, napping on her bed.

Rage boiled into me as I saw her sleep peacefully. How could she live in luxury and in good health after all we had suffered? She was going to pay for what she had done. I was here to make sure of that!

I tried opening the door but unfortunately it was locked from the inside. There seemed to be only one solution on my mind, break into the room.

Exhaling, I did what I had to. I smashed my fist through the glass and quickly twirled my fingers on the knob, unlocking the door. By the time I entered, Cat was fully awake.

"You?" she asked in horror as she sat up and stared at me. "How did you-"

"Shut up," I commanded as I brought out the gun from my pocket and aimed it at her. "You'll pay for what you've done."

I could see the fear in her eyes as she stared at me in horror, her mouth hung open. She raised her arms up, probably in surrender.

"L-Look Ace, this isn't right," she spoke. "Y-You know this isn't."

"Oh really?" I asked, still pointing the gun at her. "Was it right of you to have sabotaged us? Do you know that Nayan got badly injured all because of YOU?"

She looked at me in horror. "I-I-I didn't know th-that. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry! Please, just leave me!"

"Oh no Cat, not a chance," I grinned with malice. "This is what you get for what you did."

She slowly got off from the bed, her arms raised up as she began approaching me. "Ace...this is not right alright? If you do this, you know you'll end up in trouble. Don't do it to me, my parents won't take it so lightly you know?"

"NOT A STEP FURTHER!" I yelled. But she did not stop as she slowly stepped ahead. "DO NOT TEST ME!"

"Don't forget that we were good friends, weren't we?" she mentioned, coming closer to me as my grip on the handgun got stronger. "You cannot kill me, you just can't."

She was close, too close to me. I knew her next move and I knew mine. Before she could've raised her leg up to smack my hand away, I pressed on the trigger.

The bullet fired out at an exceptional speed, and in the blink of an eye, the damage was done.

Cat's head twisted back abnormally as the bullet pierced right through the middle of her eyes. It must have gone deep into her skull as her head swung back.

For a second she was still, standing with her head back at her position. And the next, she fell back, her body hitting the floor, never getting back up again.

A/N: Hello lovely readers! Hope you liked this slightly short chapter! Sorry that I did not do double update for this week, but I sure hope I do the next week (not promising though 😅). Anyway, please do point out any errors or mistakes I might've made, and do comment on what you think of the story so far! Have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy and fine!

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