The kiss

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"Guys we should play a game" Gracie announced 

"I am so down. Like what?" Julian asked 

" Lets play spin the bottle. "Gracie chuckled 

They all gathered around in a circle 

"But. No ones off limits... so guys. " Gracie looked around at the boys " You might just have to kiss your friends" 

Jago became slightly nervous but played it cool, he was fine kissing anyone as long as it wasn't Ben.

"Well, I'll go first" Gracie said as she grabbed the empty bottle and spun it 

The bottle spun for a few seconds before landing on Ben. Ben made a face before getting up on his knees and scooting closer to Gracie and quickly giving her a peck on the lips. 

"No no. More. That's the kind of kiss a grandma gives" Gareth complained 

"You kiss your grandma?" Ben teased 

"Ew no. You know what I mean. We need at least a 5 second kiss not a peck" 

"Go easy on him Gar. He's probably never kissed anyone before" Julian laughed 

"Yes I have. " Ben defended 

"Show us then"

Ben rolled his eyes before pulling Gracie in for another kiss, this time the kiss was deeper, Gracie could feel Bens cold hand on her jaw. The kiss ends with Ben pulling away, Gracie is silent for a moment 

"Wow. He really can kiss" she catches her breath 

" I wanna try" Kat laughs

"Woah. This is spin the bottle not everyone kiss Ben" Ben argued sitting back down 

"Wanna spin next Ben?" Gracie asked 

"Definitely not. I do not wanna go twice in a row"

"Alright then we will just go around the circle " Gracie said as she handed the bottle to Jago 

Jago spun the bottle hoping and praying it didn't land on Ben. Of course, it landed on Ben. 

Ben quickly refused "c'mon I already went. Surely he can re spin right?"

Jago quickly agreed "Yeah I will just go again"

"No that's against the rules. You have to make out now" Gracie protested

"Or are you two afraid to kiss guys?" Kat instigated 

"Oh yeah. What's wrong with two guys kissing huh?" Julian joked around "It won't be gay...unless you were kissing  me. Then it would be very gay"

"C'mon just make out already" Leo laughed 

"Fine..." Jago took a deep breath while getting closer to Ben 

Jago leaned in and as soon as his lips touched Bens, Ben pulled away. 

"Yeah no. I can't " Ben began

"Don't be a homophobe" Julian joked 

"I'm not" Ben rolled his eyes before leaning back in

Both boys closed their eyes as they locked lips. The kiss started off slowly before Jago changed the pace of the kiss into a faster sloppier kiss by adding tongue. Just as Ben was about to pull back, Kat pushed them back together. Ben placed his cold hands on Jagos face causing Jago to throw his head back as Ben's tongue explored Jagos mouth. Again Ben tried to pull away and Kat pushed him back. Ben kissed Jago for a few more seconds before finally managed to pull away while Kat once again tried pushing him back 

"Calm yourself Kat.You did that twice" Ben pointed at her while his and Jagos lips were glossy from each others saliva 

"Well that was hot" Julian laughed 

"Shut up" Jago said as he wiped his lips with the back of his palm as he sat back down

Jago passed the bottle to Julian who spun and landed on Ben 

" There's no way! This game is rigged" Ben complained 

" At this point... can we actually make this the everyone kiss Ben game" Kat chuckled 

"Hell no. I am not kissing all these fools he pointed at his friends" 

Julian made a face 

Ben rolled his eyes " Julian is the last person im kissing. If it lands on me again. Re-spin"

Ben and Julian got close up and leaned in for the kiss before Julian burst out laughing 

"what?" Ben asked 

" I can't. This is just too funny" Julian said as he sat back down 

" You're stupid" Ben rolled his eyes jokingly 

Finally it was Arias turn. She spun the bottle and luckily it landed on Leo. Gracie smiled knowing her plan worked 

Leo and Aria were now close, but Leo began to feel lightheaded while his heart rate raced, felt his hands go numb and his vision blur. He knew what this was. It was a panic attack. He had experienced them before and his friends knew about them. They created something to know if he ever needed help. He put his hand behind his back and showed his friends the number 2. Gracie saw this and was confused when she saw the boys faces. 

Gareth coughed loudly as he got up and pulled Leo up next to him " Shit we forgot we had a really big test to study for. We have to go" 

" Right that that calculus test. Shit " Jago got up 

" I'll drive" Julian added as he and ben swiftly got up and followed the boys out the door 

When they got into the car Leo struggled to catch his breath then began to sweat feeling his body extremely hot "I can't... I can't breathe"

Gareth grabbed Leos hands " okay Leo focus on your hands" He said as he rubbed his thumbs on the back of Leos hands. 

Jago ran back inside. 

"Well you're back quick..." Gracie said 

" I actually saw these on the way out..." He smiled shly grabbing a small pack of Oreo from their counter " I'll just go ahead and take these" 

"Hey those are mine" Aria mumbled as she watched Jago run out with them. 

As Leos started to catch his breath again, he began gaining his vision back and taking deeper breaths. 

"Here I got you your favorite" Jago smiled as he opened the pack and  handing him the four Oreo's that came in the pack

Leo smiled faintly and ate an Oreo 

" You feeling good to go? We can head back to our dorm" Julian said with Leos car keys in hand 

" Yeah lets go. I can't go back in and face them after I totally embarassed myself by freaking out like that" He sighed 

Julian started the car as the boys put their seatbelts on "Oh c'mon Leo, that wasn't your fault. Things happen" He reassured him 

Ben put his arm around Leo "It's fine. I'm sure they didn't notice" 

Later that night Gracie and Aria cleaned up the mess left in their place. "The guys were acting so weird before they left. I saw Leo signal to them. He put a 2 behind his back then they all got weird" 

"It's because he didn't want to kiss me and he was telling his friends to make something up to get him out of here" Aria shrugged 

"No. No I'm sure it's not that " Gracie reassured her 

"No it's exactly that. But whatever. I don't even care anymore. I'm clearly just setting myself up to get hurt. Why did I ever think a guy like him could be into me" She rolled her eyes 

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