2 -- His Lordship, The Royal Paladin

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The same armed guards that led us into the dining hall take me away

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The same armed guards that led us into the dining hall take me away. The stronghold is a maze and I'm lost after a few turns. Not that I could focus on my surroundings. Numbness has spread to every part of my body; I'm barely able to hold back the tears.

Bound by blood.

Why did I have to open my mouth?

I might've been chosen as a house servant and not a healer, but at least I could've gone home in ten years. Kept some dignity and autonomy and not be enslaved for life.

Left in a bathing chamber, I'm soon joined by a woman. Her evasive gaze and timid demeanor only allows her to be another Elowen. From her young features, she couldn't be more than a couple of years older than me, although her face is so strained and tired that she appears long past her prime.

The smile doesn't reach her eyes. "My name is Jaslynn."

"I'm Moone."

"I'm supposed to get you ready for the blood ceremony tonight, so please don't give me a hard time."

"Don't worry, I won't." It's not her fault that I screwed up.

Every breath rattles with despair.

What am I going to do?

A failed escape attempt would be a death sentence, but the blood bond would trap me in my own skin, with misery claiming a little part of me each day.

Jaslynn leans over the tub. "I'll run you a bath. In the meantime, you need to get undressed and toss all your belongings into the bin over there."

"All of them?" I clutch the locket around my neck; it has been a birthday gift from my parents.

"I'm sorry, but the Anou do not allow their charges to have any keepsakes."

I spin around to hide the rising tears. "How long have you been here?"

"Eighteen months."

"And who is your master?"

"His lordship, the Royal Paladin Rohan. He's the second in command in their government."

"Is he good to you?"

She steps behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't ever ask these questions. The walls tend to have ears, and if you are caught criticizing your master, you will be severely punished. The Anou are quick with the whip and even quicker with the knife. You don't want to lose your tongue on top of everything else."

I nod.

Message received.

I won't say another word.

Rolling my skirt and blouse into a ball, I shove them in the bin and dispose of my undergarments. Now comes the hard part. I wrap my hand around the pendant of my necklace. The lump in my throat threatens to explode and release an unstoppable flow of misery. I eye Jaslynn; she is watching me like a hawk, but even if she weren't paying attention, I wouldn't have a place to hide the jewelry. With one pull, I break the fine links of the chain. Tossing the necklace into the bin tears away a piece of my heart. Vision blurred, I turn toward the tub.

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