4 -- Bowties and Pepper Snaps

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Blasted bowtie

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Blasted bowtie.

I loosen the ends of the silk band, huffing under my breath. This whole formal fuss is already getting on my nerves, and it'll only go downhill from here. This night will be a drag with only the nightcap promising any sort of pleasure.

The door squeaks behind me and I turn my head. Jori gazes at me through the gap.

"Is it safe?"

My forehead wrinkles. "Safe to do what?"

"To talk to you."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not some kind of lunatic who randomly attacks people."

"No, you are only the most powerful mage on the planet, known for his temper and short fuse, grudge bearing, revengeful—"

"Stop it, I'm not that bad." I smirk. It's good that most of my subjects are scared shitless of me. "Now come on in and close the door."

He does what he's being told.

I turn back to the mirror and refocus on the two ends in my hand. A few twists and turns and the whole construct falls apart. "Damn it." I tear the band off my neck to start over.

Jori frowns. "What in Genessa's name are you doing?"

"Tying my bowtie."

"You know, we do have servants for that."

I scoff. "I've lived twenty-six earth cycles without needing a woman to clean up after me, so I'm not gonna start now." My mother would turn in her grave if I asked a stableboy to clean my boots.

"Suit yourself, though your utter refusal to use slaves for domestic tasks is just silly." He cocks his head. "And why are you going all out for this Blood Bond? Your best dress clothes, bowtie, shoes other than your beloved riding boots. Who are you trying to impress?"

"Nobody. I haven't been participating in any formal celebrations lately, and I thought I'd dress the part, so that people don't forget who's in charge."

"So it has nothing to do with Celia? You're not trying to make the Countess jealous?"

"Nope. Celia and I have mutually agreed to part ways. No hard feelings." Having constantly a second woman in the bed who could give my lover better orgasms than I could bruised my ego. Besides, I don't like to share.

"And there I thought you two would tie the knot and have a bunch of cute little babies."

I snort. "And have more of his lordship running around the palace. No, thank you, one is plenty."

"Man, Rohan really rubs you the wrong way."

He has no idea. Just like any noble, Rohan is arrogant, conceited, and so full of himself that he honestly believes his shit doesn't stink. "Rohan is still a child who has no idea how the world works."

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