7 -- Theories

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I usher the Elowen girl down the corridor, my gaze glued on her slumped shoulders and the swaying, alluring hips

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I usher the Elowen girl down the corridor, my gaze glued on her slumped shoulders and the swaying, alluring hips. Just like her posture, she is a total conundrum. On the one hand, she hasn't shown the level of submissiveness expected from a slave; she talks without being asked a question and her eyes reflect a quizzical thirst for knowledge as if she's truly trying to figure out the mechanics of life. Then there is this other side of her, overly emotional with her feelings openly on display. A treasure trove for an enemy to exploit. She doesn't appear dumb at all, but then she can't rationalize simple consequences. All in all, I'm more intrigued than ever to catch a glimpse of her mind, even though I don't doubt that I'll have my hands full with her utter defiance. Molding her into the female I envision will be a challenge.

Arriving at Celia's quarters, I don't bother knocking. The double doors swing back, giving access to her vast living room with the spitting fire and the heavy scent of sweet honey wine. As expected, she is nowhere in sight. Soft moans drift from her bedroom. A gentleman would turn around and give her privacy, but I'm neither known for my manners nor do I have time to waste. The night is derailing and I need Celia to get it back on track.

I plant my hand on the lower back of the Elowen girl to guide her in the right direction; she tenses under my touch. Practically shoving her, we arrive in front of the bedroom door; this time, a quick knock precedes my intrusion. Celia is in the bed, covered up to her bare chest; the two bumps under the heavy blanket are a clear hint that she is not alone. Head tilted back, she breathes heavily through parted lips. I smirk.

Sorry for raining on your parade, dear.

When her gaze flicks to me, her lips curve to a seductive smile. "Did you come to join?"

I roll my eyes. "I need your help getting my slave ready for the ceremony."

"We are still doing that tonight?" Her body jerks and she lets out a moan. Hitting one of the bulges under the covers, she reins in her toy. "Rohan said it wouldn't happen until tomorrow."

"Rohan isn't the one in charge and the ceremony is most definitely happening tonight." I want this blood bond over and done with. "But I need one of your servants to prepare the girl. She smells like a pile of shite and needs a proper dress."

Celia hits the bump under the covers again. "You heard the Chieftain. Get the girl ready."

The blanket shifts and Brielle's slender frame appears. Her face is flushed and she curtsies, not raising her gaze once. "I'll do it straight away, your highness."

Now that's a well-behaved slave.

She grabs the Elowen girl by the elbow. "Nylah, why don't you give me a hand?"

A second girl frees herself from under the covers; her smile is timid and she stares at the floor. I've never seen her before and give her a good once over. She's more of the robust type that's not usually Celia's taste, although with me out of the picture, she might be going all female with some variety. All three Elowen disappear in Celia's bathing chamber, leaving the countess to tear into me with a frown.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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