Chapter 6

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- Well, this didn't turn out the way I expected, I say in my head. Some time after the fight in the bar, I find myself in Alex's office. Hercules and a group of agents had swooped in, taken one look at Hydra holding the stolen artifact, and had apprehended him right then and there. Eryn and I had been taken as well, but the three of us were separated once we reached H.E.R.A.
- What happened to the others, I ask. From the look on Alex's face, I'm not so sure I should be worried about anyone else right now. He's standing in front of me, mouth set in a firm line and eyebrows pulled together in a frown.
- Hydra has been put under watch down in a fortified holding cell, Alex says.
- Not good, I say in my head.
- As for your friend Eryn, she was put in the general holding cells, but I got word she's already been discharged, Alex says.
- Why wasn't I put in there with her, I ask.
- As an employee of the agency, you're handed over to your supervisor. I decide if and what kind of punishment needs to be handed out, Alex says. I look down at the ground.
- You've been off the grid for two days. Why didn't you try contacting us, Alex asks.
- I did. But then I realized I lost my phone in the taxi and after that. Well, there wasn't much access to communication, I say. Alex's frown deepens.
- Alex, I, I didn't want to run away. I wanted to get to the bottom of what was really happening. I couldn't just let Hydra go, I say. After doubting him the whole time, it turns out Hydra had been telling the truth.
- Ladon was the one in possession of the Crow Artifact, not Hydra. The agents just caught him right at the end of the fight when he got it back. They had bad timing, or Hydra has really bad luck, I say. I'm rambling, I know. But I need Alex to understand. I've always been able to tell him anything, good or bad. He's even on my emergency contact list.
- Come on, Alex. Please believe me, I say in my head.
- I had my own suspicions about Ladon's involvement, Alex says. My fear melts into relief.
- Then why, I ask. Alex's frown turns into a sigh as he runs a hand over his forehead.
- No one will believe that Hercules's own team is in the wrong. As Zeus's favorite son, he's above scrutiny, Alex says.
- That's not right, I say.
- No, it's not. But it means that anyone working under him, including Ladon, will be seen as innocent. It makes the whole situation hard to deal with, Alex says. I remember how I hadn't believed Hydra about Hercules either.
- What else is he right about, I ask in my head.
- Please, keep this case open as long as possible, I say. Hercules can't be allowed to close the case so soon. Hydra won't see the light of day if he does.
- There's more to this than you think, I say.
- I'm sure there is, but I'm afraid I can't make any promises, Kira, Alex says.
- But, I say.
- I do know that there's quite a bit of paperwork for Hercules and his team to file. It could take a while, Alex says. His tone turns light and unconcerned as he pat me on the shoulder.
- That Hercules isn't big on paperwork, you know, Alex says and sits back behind his desk.
- Not to worry, all the proper papers will be in order and on time. I'll personally make sure his team crosses all the t's and dots, Alex says. I smile.
- I'm glad you're alright, but you've been through a lot. You just go home and rest up. I'll send Layla to check up on you, Alex says. Before I go, I think I see him wink but he is already waxing me out of his office.

When I arrive at my apartment, the first thing I do is collapse on the bed and fall asleep. But it turns out being at home is a small comfort.

I wake up the next morning worried, stressed and not at all rested.
- Can it even be called sleeping when my brain feels this sluggish, I ask in my head. Being so suddenly taken out of the action leaves me deflated. I go through my morning routine, hoping the return to normalcy might calm me down. The shower and fresh change of clothes helps somewhat, but I still feel anxious.
- I need to not think, I say. With a firm nod to myself in the mirror, I head to the kitchen.

Some time later, my apartment is filled with the sweet aroma of baked treats. There's a knock at my door. I answer it with a muffin in my mouth and a plate full of brownies in my hands.
- Ah, Kira. You're stress baking again. What a surprise, Layla says and tilts her head to the side and smiles at me.
- Brownie, I ask. I swallow my mouthful of muffin and hold out the plate for her.
- Don't mind if I do, Layla says. She snags a brownie as she walks inside my apartment. She stops when she sees the kitchen.
- You must have a lot to talk about. I'll put on some tea, Layla says. I smile sheepishly as I look around my kitchen. All the surfaces are covered with some kind of pastry.
- Yeah, sounds good, I say.
The two of us settle in with tea and a wide selection of pastries. Layla chooses an apple tart and turns all her attention on me.
- Okay, I'm good. Go, she says. Just like that, it all comes pouring out. Meeting Hydra, handcuffing him and being subsequently kidnapped, finding out about Hercules, the fight at the bar with Ladon, and then H.E.R.A. ultimately arresting him again.
- He's turned everything upside down in just a matter of days, and I don't know what's what anymore, I say.
- Sounds like there's something there, Layla says.
- Something. What something, I ask.
- From the way you're talking about him, just something, Layla says.
- The way I talk about him, I ask in my head. Layla cheerfully goes on before I can get her to elaborate.
- So, got a picture of Hydra. I'm super curious to see who's behind all this fuss, Layla says.
- Actually, I do, I say. I bring out my briefcase. Alex had recovered it in the holding cells after Hydra's breakout. He gave it to me before I left last night. I take out Hydra's file and show Layla his photo.
- Here he is, the guy at the center of this crazy case, I say.
- It's all a bit creepy, but wow he's hot, she says. She studies the photo while munching on a cookie.
- And romantic. You said he punched a guy because he was being sleazy towards you, she says. My face heats up. Sure, it was nice that Hydra had defended my honor. I put my hands over my cheeks, smiling shyly.
- I guess at that moment, he kind of was, I say and Layla giggles.
- But, he's still a pain to work with, I say.
- I don't know, it sounds like you trust him, Layla says.
- Not likely, I say.
- If you say so, Layla says and glances at the clock on the wall.
- Oops, I'd better get back. Thanks for all the treats. Very scrumptious as always, Layla says. She starts putting her things together. I quickly run to the kitchen and back when she gets to the door. I hand her a box filled with my baked treats.
- Here, for everyone at the office, I say.
- Then, ah. I almost forgot, she says. She pulls something out of her purse.
- Alex wanted me to pass this along to you, she says and drops a beautiful ring on the palm of my hand.
- It's for good luck or something like that, she says. I examine the ring curiously.
- I could definitely use some of that right about now, I say.
- You're so popular. What with everything happening with Hydra. And now getting jewelry from our boss, she says and pauses meaningfully. I poke her in the side.
- Take that overactive imagination of yours back to work, would you, I say. She laughs, thanking me for the pastries, and goes on her way. I watch until she turns the corner before I close the door and lean back against it. With Layla gone, my thoughts inevitably return to Hydra.
- Hmm. Do I trust him, I ask.

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