Chapter 10

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The next morning, Hydra and I sneak back to his hideout for a change of clothes and some files. When we're back out on the streets, I look around warily.
- We're not exactly dressed in great disguises. And we're not so far away from H.E.R.A that agents might not be around, I say.
- I got this, Hydra says. I'm not sure what he means by that, but I try not to worry about it.
- There's already enough to worry about, I say in my head. I'm so into my own head I don't even notice the other pedestrians, not until I roughly bump into one.
- I'm so sorry, I say.
- Don't worry about it. You alright, the pedestrian asks. The stranger looks at me in concern when I'm suddenly pulled away. Hydra wraps a firm arm around my shoulders and makes eye contact with the stranger. I watch as the stranger's eyes mist over.
- She's fine. You can go on your way and forget you ever saw us, Hydra says. The stranger nods and walks away without another word. Hydra leans down to whisper, his voice sending shivers down my spine.
- Watch where you're going, would you, Hydra asks. I pull away and slap a hand over my ear.
- Sorry, I spaced out a little, thinking about Hercules and all those Auras, I say.
- Come on, Hydra says. He takes me by the hand and leads me away. I keep my head down as much as possible, but Hydra still doesn't seem to care if we're spotted. I realize why when we pass a food vendor that calls out to us.
- You two are out on an early morning date. I bet you're hungry, the vendor says. Hydra locks eyes with him and the vendor's expression goes blank.
- You never saw us, Hydra says. We start walking again and I glance back to see the vendor shaking his head, as if clearing his mind. But then he calls out to other customers like we were never there. I pull on Hydra's sleeve.
- That guy I bumped into, then the food vendor. Are you planning on charming everyone we come in contact with, I ask.
- If they linger too long on our faces, Hydra says.

By the time we reach Wall Street, Hydra has charmed a few more people into forgetting us. He's so smooth about it that I wouldn't have even noticed if I didn't know what to look for. All he needs is eye contact, no matter how brief, and then you're caught in his spell.
We walk into Cassandra's family building like we belong there. Though I start feeling nervous when we reach the security station.
- Your ID badges, the security asks. Hydra looks into his eyes and the guard's stern expression turns compliant. Hydra takes a card out of his wallet and shows it to the guard.
- We have our badges right here. You can let us pass, Hydra says.
- Come on through, the guard says and waves us through the checkpoint.
As we board the elevator, I take a peek at the card he showed off.
- A library card, I ask. I muffle my laugh as he puts the card away.
- I read, he says.

When we reach the floor, Hydra hypnotizes the secretary into directing us towards Cassandra's office. We make our way to the back. Anyone who notices us is easily charmed into disregarding our presence. As the employees ignore us and go back to work, I glance at Hydra who doesn't seem the least bit bothered.
- This is a little unnerving. How powerful is his hypnosis, I ask in my head. Hydra and I let ourselves into Cassandra's office unannounced.
It's hard not to recognize the woman sitting behind the desk. Young, attractive, and dressed like a fashion model. Cassandra is someone often found in the news, even more now since she married Hercules. The bored look on her face is wiped away when she sees us. Or more specifically, Hydra. She stands up abruptly, her mouth twisting into an angry scowl.
- How the hell did you get in here. Security, she yells. She reaches under her desk, but Hydra catches her eye.
- Stop, Hydra says. Cassandra's hand falls away as she goes still.
- I just need answers, Cassandra. I'm not here to hurt you, Hydra says. He moves closer to her and I follow, keeping my eyes on her face.
- Don't call for help. Answer our questions and then we'll be gone, Hydra says.
- Yes, Cassandra says. Hydra snaps his fingers. Some awareness returns to her eyes, but she makes no move to call for security.
- How many Auras does Hercules have right now, Hydra asks.
- He has his Stallion, as well as the Lion, Crow and the Boar Auras, she says. I chime in with my own questions.
- Does he ever lose control, I ask. She gives a disappointed sigh.
- He's almost always losing control of his Auras, she answers. Hydra listens intently, but his face doesn't reveal anything he's thinking.
- What is Hercules planning next, he asks.
- I don't know, she says.
- How can you not know, he asks.
- Do you think he consults his wife when he's out on the job. No. Him and that stupid job, at that stupid agency, she says. She chokes back the sudden tears welling up in her eyes. Taken aback, I grab a box of tissues I spot in a die table and hand it to her.
- Are you alright, I ask.
- I haven't been alright, not for a long time, she says. She swipes a tissue and dabs at her eyes.
- Hercules is a victim just like everyone else in this sick game. He's being used by Zeus. And now he has to worry about you chasing him. Please don't hurt him. I love him, she pleads. Hydra is unsympathetic to her pleas. His eyes glow an icy blue.
- Tell me what's really going on, Hydra says. Cassandra ries out in pain, clutching her head.
- You're hurting me, she cries.
- Hydra, I say. Surprised, Hydra stops and the glow from his eyes disappears. Cassandra straightens up in confusion. The pain seems to have stopped.
- Thank you, Cassandra, for cooperating I say.
- If Hercules really is a victim in all this, things just got a whole lot more complicated, I say in my head.
- I'll absolutely get to the bottom of what's happening, I say.
- We better get going, I whisper to Hydra. He doesn't respond. I nudge him.
- Hydra, I say. He makes eye contact with Cassandra again, a bit reluctantly. Her expression glazes over.
- You won't remember our visit, Hydra says and walks out of the office quickly. When I move to follow, I notice her jewelry.
- Those stones, I say in my head. I look down at my hand.
- They look just like the ones in my ring, I say in my head.

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