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''Kevin, you're being stupid just listen to me'' Malayah grabbed the man by his arms keeping her eyes on him whereas he looked in every other direction but hers.

''Malayah Ion care to hear your fucking lies, I've seen it all'' Kay spoke in reference to the messages he saw on her phone, It was a new day and you would think Kay would've calmed down but after sleeping on it he was indeed angrier.

The man woke up at around 6am heading straight into the guest room, seeing Malayah fast asleep made him snicker he shook his head grabbing a suitcase and putting all her belongings away, he then woke her up ushering for her to leave, now they were here.

''Kay you don't even know Alexis how you using her as a credible source'' Malayah sighed when she felt Kay move her out the way so he could walk into the bathroom she had been using, she followed right behind him making him suck his teeth.

''Ion know Alexis, Ion care to know her either. What I do know is you better be out my shit before my daughter wakes up'' Kay grabbed her toothbrush and her skincare products, when he walked out the bathroom and put the items in the suitcase Malayah began laughing she couldn't believe this was actually happening.

''Kevin Amaree Perez, are you being dead ass?'' Malayah laughed awkwardly when he met her gaze with a blank expression she got her answer. He obviously wasn't joking.

''The fact you even laughing is crazy. Oh, I see you laughing cause you bout to be reunited wit yo street friends'' Kay zipped the suitcase walking with it out the guestroom.

''Kevin you don't even want to do this so just stop, let me explain'' Malayah rushed behind him.

''I been told you Ion care for an explanation.''

''That's not fair though, we have a child together you can't just push me away'' She grabbed his wrist when he began altering the security system, he glanced at her a mug on his face and continued pressing buttons on the security system then opened the front door widely.

''Malayah us having a daughter has never mattered to you, Ion even want call you out your name or be disrespectful just leave'' He put the suitcase out the door then met her gaze watching her frown.

''Kevin, please just listen to me. Alexis set me up, that bitch is evil'' Malayah pleaded making him raise a brow, now he was interested to know more about Alexis.

''That bitch is so evil but you felt comfortable bringing her here, the place our daughter lays her head!''

''Kevin please don't start that, even your fans know you live here hence why you have all this security don't act like you so scared of people knowing where you live'' Malayah sucked teeth in irritation.

''You not doing enough explaining for me, just leave'' Kay waved her off, he barely wanted to hear her out and the fact she was talking crazy was starting to frustrate him.

''That's beside the point, the only reason I gave her the address was because I needed my stuff, I was going to let her keep everything but in my jean pocket there was a necklace Micah bought me, I know it was stupid to let her come here but I wasn't think straight I'm sorry'' Malayah slowly pushed the front door closed keeping her eyes on Kay.

He stood still in place keeping his eyes on her, he said nothing in response but without saying anything he gave Malayah the green light to begin explaining how she met Alexis and how things ended horribly.

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