Crush Pt. 1

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Jin practically skipped his way to his bestfriend's table. It had been the best day for him, and he couldn't wait to pour out his heart.

"Can you quiet down a little ? This ain't your home buddy, its the cafeteria"

"Stop being cranky. You won't believe what happened today !!! Like holy shit"

"What ?"

"THE Kim NAMJOON looked at me. AND he smiled. I almost had a freaking heart attack"

Kim Namjoon. Junior, but the most popular student in Seoul National University. The Kid had half of the school mad over him, both girls and boys. Technically, he could be called the heartthrob. Even some young teachers pined for him, hoping he would ask them for "favors". Unfortunately for them, with an IQ of 148, Namjoon was easily the most intelligent student of his semester.

Jin was a year older than the boy and had known him for only a year, and yet somehow, he had the most heart filled eyes for him. But who could blame Jin. Namjoon was drop dead gorgeous. Well, talking about looks, Jin wasn't so bad himself. Fuck, he wasn't bad at all. Jin was famously known as World wide handsome by his friends, with a sculptured face and a toned yet graceful figure.

"Dang, you're kidding, right ?" Yoongi asked, eyes wide as saucers. Never in the entire last year had his friend been noticed by his crush. This was really surprising for Yoongi too, who could half the time predict future.

Yoongi and Jin had been the bestest of friends since last year. Though Yoongi was a cold and don't-give-a-shit-go-away boy, he cared for a lot for his Jin, the only friend he had. Sometimes, call it utterly ridiculous, Yoongi felt that they were some kind of soulmates. Neverthless, He was grateful to have someone as considerate as the older.

Jin nodded his head like a 3 year old kid, his smile as big as a boat. Yoongi chuckled and patted him on his back, "Looks like Mr. Simpy has finally been noticed. Did you talk to him ?"

Jin whispered a quiet no, somewhat guiltily. Yoongi rolled his eyes. Ofcourse Mr. Shy boy had not talked to Namjoon. Just then, he abruptly stood up, eyes wide, dragging Jin with him.

"Woah- hey ! Leave m- Yoongi-ah !!! Ouc- What are you doing?"

"Shut up and follow me, Worldwide woodhead"

"Wow, rude. Repect your hyu-"

Jin's heart stopped as he realized where Yoongi was taking him. They were heading straight to Namjoon's table. Namjoon was sitting, his legs folded even if he was on a chair. He was wearing a black bandana, his lavender hair bunched on top. He wore headphones as he scribbled something on the book infront him, nodding his head occasionally.

To Jin's horror, Yoongi pushed him onto Namjoon, as he collided face first on Namjoon's toned arm.

"Enjoy" Yoongi smirked as he headed back to his own table, whistling as if he did not just shove his bff into the a godamn person.

"W-whoa. Shoot. Are you okay ?" Namjoon asked , surprised, as he helped Jin up, who had fallen on the ground in a very awkward position. Jin rubbed his nose in pain, mumbling "screw you Yoongi" when he realized the situation he was in.

He stared at Namjoon with wide eyes as he immediately stood up had stumbled backwards, averting his eyes in a hurry. He bowed a full 90 degree, mumbling "sorry" and "i didn't mean to" to the junior.

Namjoon chuckled as he stood up, making his way to the flustered elder. He placed his hands on Jin's shoulder's and made him stand straight. "Hey, no big deal. It alright, you tripped. Happens with me too. What's your name ?"

Jin was still in a trance. He was shaken back to reality when Namjoon lightly shaked Jin's shoulder shoulder, chuckling.

"Earth to clumsy pretty boy ? You okay ?"

Jin's cheeks flared up, as the red colour crawled up his neck. Was he dreaming or did THE Namjoon just call him pretty?

"u-uh yeah.. I-i'm alright. I'm s-sorry. I- My frie-"

Jin was cut off by Namjoon's laughing. Jin stared at the younger boy, blushing by the boy's pleasant laughter. Gosh, He was so in love. Not knowing how to react to his crush almost dying with laughter, Jin just stared at the boy, bewildered.

"Hahaha. Aww, you are so cute. I told you, it's alright. Don't fret it." Jin felt somewhat calm, as he too joined in laughing. After a solid minute, when the two had composed themselves, Namjoon kept his hand on Jin's shoulder, knocking the air out of Jin.

"Aren't you the same guy I saw a while before ? Oh right..Jin !!! I heard the teachers call you that."

"Y-yeah... I was infront the Science Lab. I g-guess you saw me there. hehe, we meet again, then ?"

Namjoon smiled, as the dimple on his cheek became deeper. Jn resisted the urge to poke it.

"You seem interesting Jin. Wanna meet later ? By the swings outside ?"

Jin was internally squealing ! Did Namjoon just ask Jin to meet him ??? He could not believe his ears. This boy was making him go crazy without even knowing it. "S-sure, I would love to"

"Great. See you next break, pretty boy " Namjoon winked, smirking, as he walked away, leaving the most surprised Jin standing there.

Jin did a mini jump and mentally thanked yoongi as he walked towards his class. He could not wait to meet Namjoon. Could it be that Namjoon also shared the same feelings ? He would definitely find out soon.


(Pt.2 coming out soon woohoo)

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