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It's a Saturday and Franks parents are fighting like always. He so sick and tired of there bullshit. They fight over nothing. He can here there shouts from downstairs. He sometimes wishes he could belong to a different family. Not Because of money. Although his parents were in a good shape in money. Not too much and not too little. But he sometimes wanted a new family to be happy. To be accepted for who he is. But he's the way he is coming from how his parents raised him. They raised him to be tough. But from what he is now they really don't expect how he is. Frank is rebellious punk teen that goes to some concerts down the streets. He just mainly goes their to support them and to have a great time. Frank would escape sometimes from his house. Not to go out and get stoned but just for a calm walk around his neighborhood. Yeah he'll sometimes do drugs or get drunk but not that often.

Frank is sat in his room hearing his parents argue. Frank has his phone listening to music with his earphones. Frank can still here his parents through his earphones. He decides to escape and go out for a walk. He opens his bedroom window and looks down for a spot to land on. He wasn't pretty high up though. He was high enough to maybe make his legs kind of tingle after the jump but it wouldn't bother him
He walks down the streets of New Jersey. He literally walks down the streets 'til he gets lost but at the same time he knows his way back. He walks past the woods. It was a small place. Although he'll never go near it after he heard about murders in there. But he hasn't hear of one in a long time. He decided stop go inside. As he walks towards the woods trips and falls down into the woods rolling down a hill. He gets up and sees a police tapes that reads "caution go back". It looks old so he just tears in and walks through. After a small time of walking he reaches a small old looking amusement park. It's really little and can be mistaken as a park. He walks further into the park and sees a food stand. There's a paper stuck to the truck and it says "Jersey Fun Land 1987" damn this place is old he thinks. He hears a loud squeak and turns around to see a roller coaster kart moving on its tracks high up in the are but not to high when you usually see in a new theme park. He hears a soft child laugh. And sees a darker haired boy inside the kart with a big smile on his face. How? How is someone here when it's all old and abandoned.

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