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Okay now Frank is getting a bit creeped out. But why is there someone here?

He sees the boy get off the ride and is wearing a skirt and looks like Franks age. The thing that surprised him is that the rides are still working.

He sees the boy is frighten and is coming towards him. When the boy gets closer he nervously whispers "W-Why are you here?" Frank just stood there for a moment creeped out but instead of being rude and walking away he decided to answer. "Um...I just came across this place." Gerard just looks down and nods. "W-Who are y-you?" Gerard says with beaming hazel eyes. "Uh I'm Frank." "Oh, I'm Gerard, you can call me Gee for short." "Do you wanna play with me?" Gerard says with with a soft pale smile. "Sure" Frank says. "Okay let's go on the roller coaster!"

"I'm surprised that thing works." Frank says. "Yeah me too sometimes I think this place is like haunted, because I've seen blood stains on some of the rides." Gerard says nervously. "Here lets get in!" Gerard says opening the door to the kart. "This ride goes slow and on the loop in the air because it goes upside down so you might want to hold on since it goes slow." Frank nods his head. "Hold on Frankie! It's going to upside down!" Gerard says with a shreak. They end up getting stuck upside down.

"Oh no Frankie it's stuck! We are going to fall down and die! No I don't want to die Frankie!" Gerard says crying out. "Shh it's going to be okay just listen to me." Gerard stops crying and nods his head at Frank. "Okay so going to grab your waist and your back is going to be on top of my stomach. When I say let go you let go of the kart okay?". "Okay." Gerard says. As Franks hands touch Gerard's waist Gerard feels something weird in his stomach. Gerard likes the feeling though.

"1 2 3 let go!" Gerard lets go of the kart. Frank falls backwards to the ground hard. Gerard gets off of him and shakes Frank. "Frankie are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Gerard says as he worried that Frank might be dead. "Yeah I'm okay Gee." Gerard blushes at his nickname. "Gee are you blushing?" Frank says while laughing. "N-no-o." Gerard says hiding behind his black hair hiding from his shame while crying. "Hey Gee are you crying? It's okay to like boys there's nothing wrong with it. I actually like boys myself." Frank says with a smile. "Really?" Gerard says as he jumped up. "Yeah it's okay!" Frank says "Well in that case I kinda like you Frankie." He says blushing like crazy.

"You do? Okay how about we date for a while and see what happens next okay?" Frank says excited. "Okay!

"Hey let's get out of here and go to my place. Maybe I can even visit your place to!" Gerard's smile has faded when he mentioned his place.

"I don't have a home." Gerard says beginning to cry. "W-what do you mean? Have you been living here your whole life?" Frank says worriedly. "Kinda...I've witness all the murders here too." Gerard says "You poor thing how about you live with me and my parents?" "Okay!" Gerard says with a big smile on his face. "C'mon lets get out of here." Frank says getting off the ground. "Um Frankie?" Gerard says nervously. "Yeah, Gee?" "Can we never return here? It's kinda creepy." Gerard says twisting his legs. "Okay yeah it's totally fine."

Gerard and Frank walk off to Franks house. They reach Franks house and they get inside. Franks parents are having dinner. And his mom is shocked to see a stranger with his son. "Mom before you freak out yes I sneaked out and I bought a friend over and I was wondering if he could stay here with us." He says hoping his mother wouldn't be mad. "Frank Iero do you know you can be killed out in the streets like that?" She says raising her voice. Silent after her shout at Frank. "Please..." Gerard lets out despreat whisper. Frank moms looks at Gerard with poor eyes and thinks about what would happen to him if Frank had never found him. She feels sorry for him. "Fine you can stay as long as you don't make much noise or misbehave." "You are staying here with no problems at all right, honey?" She shoots a mean stare at Franks dad. "Yeah it's fine..."

You can take a shower and then come down and eat. Frank give him a towel and hide him to the restroom. "K mom." He says happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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