Young blood

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Dis is a song fic

Young Blood

By JustJanelle

We're all young and naïve still,

We require certain skill,

The motive changes like the wind,

Hard to control when it begins.

Artemis was surprised when Wally kissed her.

They had been fighting, which didn't surprise her, but when he launched himself forward, cutting her off mid-rant and practically sucking the words from her lips she found herself utterly startled.

She was stiff in his embrace for a moment, a moment in which Wally managed to take advantage of the situation and greedily slip his tongue in to her already open mouth.

Greedy little bastard, Artemis thought wryly as she did something that she had wanted to do since she had first laid eyes on this boy, months ago. She ran both hands through his thick, fluffy red hair and used her grip as leverage to pull herself a little higher, to bring their mouths a little closer.

It felt like they remained that way for an eternity. Their minds reeling. Their breath intermingling. Their hands pulling themselves closer and closer.

"Jeesh, get a room," Robin's voice echoed from the doorway and Artemis and Wally sprung apart.

For a moment they had forgotten that they were in the kitchen. Hell, they had forgotten that they weren't the only two people in the entire world, let alone the cave.

Neither of them acknowledged Robin, instead they stared at each other. Their cheeks still a little flushed. Their hair mussed. Their lips swollen.

Then Wally smiled smugly and sat back down to the homework he had been attempting to finish before Artemis had stormed in, demanding why half of her arrows had been used to pin her backpack to the ceiling of the training room.

After a moment Wally looked back up at her, "Well?"

She sighed, pushed her hair back in to place and sat beside him at the counter. All the while reminding herself that this was bound to happen sooner or later.

The bittersweet between my teeth,

Trying to find the in-between,

Fall back in love eventually,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

"You were staring at her ass, Wally."

"Like hell," Wally protested, "I was staring at your ass."

Artemis crossed her arms over her, "Oh, like that makes it any better."

"It should."

"Well it doesn't."

"Well fine."


"Fine." Wally snapped, crossing his arms before he sped off in to the night.

He was gone before Artemis could blink, before she could even utter the word that was tumbling out of her lips, "Wait."

Instead she stared at the space where he had been for half a second before spinning on her heels and walking herself home.

It was late and quiet and Artemis wasn't used to so much silence in Gotham but she wasn't complaining. She had only made it three blocks before she heard the gun shots.

Typical, She thought morosely. This was Gotham after all, but before she had time to react or even to pull her crossbow from her purse two strong arms engulfed her from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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