Sixty-Two: I hope you can forgive me

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Song- Fade into you: Mazzy Star

"I hope you can forgive me."


Violent turbulence had a peaceful suicide; Sebastian's pain taught me that as it writhed on the end of my wand. It stung of desperation, for what I wasn't entirely sure, perhaps to take another, to strip beings of life and life of love.

"Sebastian." I whispered only at first, waiting for his mind to remember that he could be alive without his pain, that there had once been a life free of torment.

Sebastian stood before me for a moment, his eyes flickering, almost spinning. His body was rigid as though he was turning to stone, as though my magic had frozen him in a place that he wasn't familiar with.

"Sebastian, look at me." I demanded with a surge of a snap, no step taken towards him as the magic still gripped to the end of my wand as though it couldn't decide if it wanted to be there or not. My breath turned to a watery mist in my mouth as his silence took it away in ways that he hadn't before.

He looked dazed, fixed in place, his hunger for peace suddenly carved into a headstone.

And then he fell, crumpled into a pile of pebbles on the floor.

"No." It wasn't astonishment. It wasn't shock. It wasn't anything because there was nothing inside of him. My eyes flickered from him, the sight of his eyes entirely closed causing a pain that couldn't be remedied by simply looking away.

My hands shook, trembled under the weight of his pain, his pain, that belonged to him, that I had taken from him. My mouth parted slightly to allow air to flood where it had grown cold and dry, enough to give me time to look at what was in my hand.

His pain was small enough to fit inside of my palm but large enough that he had nothing left after it had gone.

Perhaps I had hoped that he would get up, walk over to me, that his body just needed time to realise how light it was without the hurt, but he didn't, and I couldn't move.

The magic whispered thoughts of black and shadowed silvers, deeper and darker the longer that I stared at it. I needed to drop to my knees and snap him out of it, I needed to pry his mind from the claws of the devil and bargain with my own life for his, but it wailed my name with promises that sounded like everything that I wanted to hear.

I brought the pain, Sebastian's pain, to my lips and it tasted metallic, like it could have been mistaken for blood. I knew Sebastian's pain, I had felt it when his heart had been in my hands instead of his harm. It felt so entirely twisted- a knot that couldn't be untied.

When I swallowed it, when it caked the insides of my throat and gagged me silent, what I felt was not torture but calm. In its own cruel way, it was still pain in power's skin, but it wanted me to take more and more and more until my bones needed it to stay glued together.

But this wasn't mine and it had taken what was.

With my wand empty and the fibres of my muscles thicker, my knees hit the stone floor of the Undercroft so hard that I should have felt it, but the heightened power inside of my veins cushioned the fall. Sebastian's head lolled to the side as my fingers shook beneath his neck, touching the only place that still felt warm.

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