Chapter Sixteen ~ Meet my Son {Killian Jones}

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It's been four months since my first date with Emma, and these have without a doubt been the best months of my life since ... well ...since I lost her.

After five years, I'm finally back with my beautiful Swan, and she's happier than I've ever seen her before. Even when we were back in the Enchanted Forest she always had this looming sense of worry, this never faltering fear that now that we were finally together, finally happy, something terrible was going to happen to us, to our perfect little family. And I guess this fear was justified, we did get separated, right down the middle: me and Liam, Emma and Henry. I suppose that she has now passed this fear back onto me, I have my dear Emma once again, and even if she doesn't fully remember me, what if something happens to her ... to us?

This fear seems to slip away as I break free from my thoughts and look down at her, she gazes up at me.

"Killian, I know that face," she places her hands gently on my cheeks. "What's wrong."

"Nothing love," I give her a small smile and move slightly on the couch so that I can wrap my arms around her and pull her even closer to me. Her head rests on my chest, her head tilted so that she never has to take her eyes off me. I don't think I'll ever stopped being shocked by how beautiful she is. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Emma, I can't help but notice that you've never met my son," she places her hand on my chest and pushes herself up slightly.


"Aye," I respond. "It's about time he meets his potential ... step mother."

"That's a bit ambitious isn't it," she says with a laugh.

"Emma, I know we're taking things slowly, and I couldn't be happier about that, but I think it's about time we started to think more about the, our future." She suddenly gets extremely quiet.


"Of course darling, I wouldn't want it with anyone except you." She smiles and buries her head in my arm, I can feel her tears begin to soak through my light tee shirt. I place my hand gingerly on her back. "What's wrong." She wipes her tears on my shirt and sits up so that she's sitting right on top of me, our faces just inches away from each other's.

"I just never thought ... after all that time with Neal, never really feeling anything, I never thought I would have another chance with anyone, another chance at love. I'm just not used to having somebody putting me first."

"Well get used to it," I say. "I love you Emma Swan, and we'll take this at whatever pace you want, but I've found you, and I don't intend on letting you down."


~ The Next Day ~

I feel my palms begin to sweat as I hear a quiet knock. I rush to the door, tripping and dodging the randomly placed furniture tossed carelessly into the main room by the movers. Liam and I moved into this new apartment a couple days ago, it turns out that the royal treasury was all put into a Storybrooke bank account when everyone was sent back. Mary Margaret and David helped me buy this quaint little place, saying that when, if, Emma remembers we'll need a place of our own to stay.

I hear her knock once again, a bit more forcefully this time. "Coming," I say as I push a box aside with my foot, where the hell did all of this stuff even come from? I toy with a few locks and push open the door. She's wearing an uncharacteristically girly dress, her hair is twisted up into a bun, a few strands of golden blonde hair hang outlining her face.

"Hey," Emma says. She fiddles with her hands, I can tell she's nervous.

"Hey," I reply. "You look stunning."

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