Chapter Five ~ Emerging from the Pages {Henry Mills}

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Who is this man?

Why is he in my house?

How does he know my mother?

It seems as if I have more questions than answers. When the man burst into the living room with my mother in his arms, I had no idea what to think.

My mind first wandered to the storybook -  how does this mysterious man fit into our story? But that is ridiculous. I'm an eighteen years old, I cannot concern myself with the stories of children.

Although I cannot help but to clutter my mind with these tales - they seem so real. The book is full of adventures from another world, The Enchanted Forest; but also some from our world - our sleepy little town of Storybrooke, Maine.

According to the book, after the town was nearly destroyed the characters were all ripped back to the Enchanted Forest, where they lived peacefully for two years. Until another curse threatened the lives of all those in the Enchanted Forest. The true love of the Savior and Captain Hook was able to save everyone - but they were to be separated.

The Savior was to lose her memories and travel back to Storybrooke, while Captain Hook and their infant child were to stay behind in a safe haven made by the Blue Fairy. The ultimate sacrifice for the lives of their family and friends.

By reading the rest of the book I was able to gather that the Savior is my mother - Emma Swan. According to the story Neal, my birth father, was sent back by Hook to care for and watch over my mother and me.

Then why did he leave?

That question has been haunting me ever since he snuck out that night.

He left a note for my mom, telling her to find love elsewhere - what they had was not true, it was a burden to the both of them. I took the letter, I could not make her endure anymore pain.

When Mary Margaret came to me with the storybook two days later saying the stories would give me hope, I could already sense the darkness dragging me into the void. I was falling into the never ending void of sorrow and regret.

As I sat in my room, alone with the book, I found an escape. The stories showed me that even the greatest of heroes face times of trouble and even possibly torturous defeat.

Take Captain Hook for example. For nearly 250 years he was full of hate and regret. From the death of his brother to the murder of his wife, there was a lurking darkness that was practically ripping him apart from the inside.

That is, until he met my mother - the Savior.

According to the fantasized tale they fell for eachother on a beanstalk, while searching for a magic compass. They were afraid to accept their feelings they were terrified of letting go of their pasts, they feared detaching themselves from the darkness.

Although, over time, after risking their for each other they began to let their walls down.

A Savior had saved a captain.

A pirate had saved a princess.

It is strange how this story comes to mind at this exact moment. As I stare in shock at my suffering mother I can hear a faint voice nagging me. This man. Could he be? No. It's not possible.

He yells at me to call Mary Margaret, I oblige out of sheer terror.

"Henry! What's going on? Where's your mom? How -," she said. I could hear the concern in my grandmother's voice.

"There is a man in the apartment, he has mom, she's in pain... He just showed up..." I stutter, I have no idea what to say.

"What does he look like? I'll call the police - wait Emma's the police."

"He's tall, black hair, Irish accent, and... and..." I gasp, "a hook instead of a hand."

"I knew this day would come. Let me speak to him." I begin to take the phone away from my ear when she comes back on the line. "He, this man, he'll take care of you. There's nothing to be afraid of. This man, he knows you, and you mom. He will go to the end of the world for you... he loves you."

I nod as I step back into the living room. I see the man is holding my mom, comforting her. I can see tears streaming down his face.

"...Liam needs you - we never got to be a family ." His voice cracks as he lays his head down on mom's chest. Who is Liam? What does he mean "they never got to be a family?" He can't be him; travel between realms became impossible after the latest curse, or so the book said.

I tap his shoulder and hand him the phone. He nods and gives a small smile. I sit down at the head of the couch and begin to wipe the tears silently escaping from mom's eyes. She shivers, as if she can recognize my touch.

She suddenly gasps, then lunges forward.

"Who the hell are you," she demands to the man before passing out cold once again.

"Emma, EMMA," he yells. His eyes lock onto mine. "It's going to be okay, you can trust me. I know you can remember me... But your memories will return... We can be a family again. You, me, Liam," he looks down, "and Emma."

"But who are you," I ask.

"Killian. Killian Jones, but most know me by my more colorful moniker, Hook." He winks at me as the media pound on the door, preparing to place my mom on a stretcher.

"Dad," I whisper was he pulls me into a strong hug, he smells like home.

"Henry," he says as he grips me even tighter.

Mom will get better.

We will stay strong.

We will be a family again.

*Wow. Sorry that took so long, I have had a ton of homework and it's tech week for our musical. Just to let you guys know: yes, I will be quoting once in the story. Although, I will probably change several of the quotes so they fit in exactly how I want, there is no need to tell me if I butchered the quote, I already know. Also, will you guys head on over and read my friends Fanfic "Safe Haven"? Have a magical day everyone *

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