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Zamora's POV
September 11

"How we feeling 'bout 9/11?" Jordyn asked, as we sat around our lunch table.

My cheeks puffed out as I held in a laugh. We were literally just having a nice conversation about our future and she said that.

"Wrap it up." Titan shook his head, silencing her.

"You're only not answering the question because the government has planted a chip in your brain to keep you from-"

Titan reached over the table to mush Jordyn's head.

I rolled my eyes, not being surprised.

"I'll remember that." Jordyn scoffed, fixing her hair. "Fucking up my edges."

"Let me see." I held under her chin, trying to fix the swoop with my finger. "Your hair looks fine. You're so dramatic."

"This is how a friend treats you, by the way." Jordyn kicked Titan under the table.

"You want me to fix your edges? Fuck I look like fixing your edges."

"Well, right now you look like a bitch for touching my hair in the first place." Jordyn rebutted. "Dumbass."

"Mora, you gon let your friend talk to me like that?" As if that wasn't his friend too.

I cracked a smile, trying to ignore their antics and get to finishing my lunch.

There were at least 3 other people at the table with us, so Titan turned to them for defence. The boys sided with him, while the girls sided with Jordyn.

"You think the toilets are open, right now?" I asked Jordyn, whilst biting into my sandwich.

She looked down at her wrist, seeing the time. "We have like 10 minutes of lunch, so yeah."

"Ok. I need to go in like 2 minutes."

"You want me to come with you?" She asked as if she didn't know the answer to that.


As Jordyn began speaking across the table to our other friends, I spoke to Titan. We didn't talk about anything too important. At school we had bland conversations, in comparison to the ones at home.

"You're definitely the biggest stalker at this table." He said to me.

"That is a bold faced lie, Ty." I frowned.

"You know damn well that's not a lie. I've watched you stalk." He got ready to argue. "And you can't deny it because you repost posts about being a stalker."

"Yeah, to my close friends. I'm about to unadd you from that, by the way."

"Ight. Put your hand up if you agree that Mora is a stalker." Titan asked the table and everyone put their hands up.

There was a little truth to what he was saying. I just didn't consider it stalking. I enjoyed going through peoples posts, that was literally it.

"Come on, Mora. It's potty time." Jordyn loudly said, getting the attention of other people around us.

"Shhh!" I signed for her to be quiet.

Her and I were so different. I always got anxious when I felt like too many people were looking my way, but anxiety feared Jordyn. That made me grateful to be friends with her because she made things fun and enjoyable.

Sometimes she'd voice, for me, things that I couldn't put into words when I needed it. It wasn't like I couldn't speak for myself, but she was always just there to execute my thoughts perfectly.

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