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Jieun & jungkook looked at him in shocked expression

"She knew it,you knew it?" Jieun asked and taehyung nodded.

Jieun sat on the couch while grabbing her head. "I-i" jieun couldn't found words to say about the person who made them together again.

"Let's search for her at airport" jieun start and everyone sat on the car and drove at high speed to airport (taehyung was driving car)They reached to the airport

"Which ticket price was she asking to you?" Jungkook said "She asked me 2 countries tickets USA &Japan places"

"Let's check the plane of these places" jieun said and everyone went to board but saw that all 2 countries plane was already take off, 10 minutes ago they all came to jungkook's house, taehyung was sniffing a bit, jieun was sobbing

"i don't know why I am feeling bad for her, she helped me to get my love back but sacrificed her own marriage & husband, just in some moments we had became so closed friend of each, I own her,I want to thanks her for her sacrifice but I don't get time to thanks to that diamond soul!" Jieun thought.

The big TV on the city road flashed a news "Japan & USA plane had been burst out very badly, bomb was fitted on the plane & all passengers died along with piolet, the person who is behind this is finding by the police gang, let's hope that the person who did this cannot be roam free".

Listening this on city TV the 3 of them widen their eyes and jieun start crying like a mess

"I lost my closet friend, I lost her" jieun said "jieun" jungkook said in sad tone,gulping the big lump in his throat, he hugged her securely.

"Yn gone? She is gone forever? No,this can't happen" tears brimmed in taehyung's eyes as he thought this.

Some hours ago~
After cutting the call of Jieun yn thought to leave this house forever with divorce papers ready, the divorce papers was already ready as when she made jungkook & jieun together again she applied for divorce immediately and finally yesterday she got the papers.

She called taehyung and asked him about the price of Japan & USA as it's her dream place,once she will go there she will tell her parents about this and settle everything peacefully.

Next morning after jungkook left she packed her stuffs and wrote letter to him and placed this divorce papers also. Her eyes teared up once again but she quickly wiped it. She leave the house on time and reached the airport.

She showed her passport and everything. Finally, sitting on the plane of Japan.

The plane took off and tears again betrayed her. She managed herself but after sometimes the sound of tic tic came it was off timer, before she could react the plane bursted into flames until.....

To be continued ~

Hope you guys like this part!

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