Chapter1, Fallon and Parker's Trial by Fire

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Fallon and Parker met when they couldn't even talk. Their mothers were best friends and got pregnant at the same time. Ever since that pregnancy, the 2 became inseparable. Their birthdays are almost the same. Parker was born on October 26, 2007 and Fallon on October 30, 2007.  You could almost say that they are twins. 

As the 2 grow up, their bond grew stronger every day. And around the age of 13, they went to the same high-school together. Fallon even made 2 bracelets that they promised to keep on, forever. When they were in high-school for about 2 weeks, Fallon met a girl. They had math together and needed to do a project with each other. Her name is Sienna. Fallon and Sienna started to hangout more and more. Sienna had never met Parker before and didn't even know Fallon had a guy best friend. But one night a girl from their year threw a party for her birthday. Everyone was allowed to come, including Sienna, Fallon and Parker. Even tho Sienna had never met Parker, Fallon was still going with him. They arrived and saw Sienna waiting for them in the hallway. When she saw Parker she asked Fallon if they were dating. Fallon replied with that she never wanted to date him even for a million dollars. But deep inside she was deeply in love with him. Sienna looked at Parker with big eyes. A few seconds later, Parker reached out his hand to greet Sienna. It took her a few seconds to realize his hand was under her face. She zoned out into Parker's ocean blue eyes. Fallon looked at Sienna in a weird way, maybe even in a jealous way. Parker coughed a little, hoping Sienna noticed. She was so embarrassed but shaked his hand. After that was done, Fallon asked them in a irritating way if they could go to the others now. While everyone was dancing and singing, Fallon could only think about Sienna looking so in love with her best friend. She didn't want to be vibe killer so she just danced along with her friends.

A few hours have passed by. Fallon was still a bit upset but didn't want anyone to see that. But Parker saw that something was up so she asked her if everything was okay. She just said that everything is fine but he didn't believe it. He asked Sienna if she could wait a few minutes so Parker could talk to Fallon for a second. Sienna agreed and the 2 went to the bathroom.

"Hey, is everything alright? I know u said that u were fine but you seem so off"

Fallon explained to Parker how she felt about Sienna acting so different around him. He said it would probably be nothing and if it was something that he would never give up on Fallon. They looked each other deep in the eyes. Parker could see the tears in Fallon's eyes. He didn't say anything and just gave her a hug. Fallon couldn't help but cry. 

Parker didn't know what to do so he just kept her close to him. Fallon could hear his heart beating. After a few seconds, Fallon looked up again. She couldn't keep it a secret anymore. She had to tell him that she is in love with him. She couldn't. What if it would ruin their friendship? She wasn't planning on telling him straight away, but instead she would give him clues. One of them was putting a love letter in his locker. She didn't write her name on it of course. But that wasn't a great plan. When Fallon and Parker were having lunch together. Sienna came out of nowhere. She joined them at the table. When they were done with eating, Parker grabbed the note out of his backpack. 

"Someone put this in my locker."

He said. Fallon smiled at him. But before she could say anything, Sienna did. She told Parker that she wrote the note and put it in his locker. Parker and Fallon looked at each other. He asked her why she did that and Sienna told him it was just for a joke. He ignored her and walked away. Fallon followed him. They went somewhere, hoping Sienna wouldn't find them. Fallon felt like she got betrayed by her own friend. Liking him was one thing, but taking credits for something Fallon did was even worse. She didn't care anymore and told Parker that the note was hers and not Sienna's. Parker was confused. He asked her what she meant to say with that. Fallon didn't even think a second about what she was gonna say, she just said it.

"I love you, Parker. More than friends."

Parker looked at her for 5 seconds straight, without moving or blinking. Fallon was breathing so fast, Parker could hear it. He told her she didn't have to stress out. She asked him if he still wanted to be friends. He said no. Fallon got tears in her eyes. But Parker wasn't finished. 

"I do not want to be friends with you anymore. I want you to be my girl."

Fallon was in shock, thinking he was just joking. But he was serious. Her whole life was about to change. She was so happy she told him. Because if she didn't, what would've happened? What if he would date Sienna instead of her. But let's stop with the 'what if' questions. They were so happy. The best friends, or should I say the couple, walked back to their next class. But also Sienna's next class. In the lesson, Sienna started talking to Fallon, but Fallon ignored her. She got mad and grabbed her book. 


She screamed. So hard, that the whole class heard. The teacher told Sienna to leave the classroom and go to the principal's office. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. 
When break started, Sienna walks up to Fallon and Parker. She looked mad. Sienna asked Fallon why she did that. Fallon told her she was dating Parker so she needed to stay away from him. Sienna answered with an innocent voice where she said she would never go after Parker. Fallon told her she knew that she was in love with him. Sienna walked off without saying a word. That's where their friendship ended. 

A few days later, Sienna came up with a revenge plan. She knew what she wanted to do, but didn't know how. She told herself that she would destroy their relationship in a way no one would ever guess. 


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