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" Cause the window opened one time with you and me. Now my forever's falling down.."

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"I'm going away.."

"Huh?" Hearing that, Narae gave Taehyung a confused look.

"Do you remember the Wine factory that my family owns in Seoul?" He continued. "My father wants me to learn more about our business.."

Narae knows where this was going. But she was loss for words. Taehyung looks dull and sad.

"How many days and when are you leaving?" She asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'll be gone for at least six months and I'm taking the first train tomorrow morning.." Silence filled the air. Narae gazed at Taehyung in sympathy. She knew he dreaded to go and she felt terrible for him. But she struggled to find the right words to comfort him.

"Can I get a hug?" Narae choked on her saliva hearing that. And before she had time to process the words, the guy suddenly wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you.." He breathed out. Meanwhile Narae didn't know what to do because of his actions. His hot breath fanned her neck, making her feel uneasy. It was a bit rude to say she was uncomfortable, but she had never this kind of close interaction with a guy before.

"Tae oppa-"

"Please no.. Let me hug you just this once. I beg you, don't stop me this time.." Taehyung cut her off and pulled her closer, his hug tighter than before. If he let her go, he feared she could slip away from him forever.

"Narae-ah.." He continued, "I know you don't have feelings for me.. I'm aware of that. But you don't have to feel sorry for me. I just need you to know that I love you alot. I don't expect you to say it back but I can't imagine my life without you.."

Tears welled up in Narae's eyes as she listened, her heart felt a pang of guilt. In that moment, she really wished to be able to return his love, to ease the ache in his heart.

"Tae oppa.." Narae's placed her chin on Taehyung's shoulder, her hand rubbing his back in a comforting manner. "I know everything. I know how sincere you are about me and I'm really grateful to have a guy like you in my life. But I'm deeply sorry once again.. I'm not ready for any kind of love.."

The silence that followed was a comforting one. But Taehyung's next words sent Narae's racing, her pulse pounding in her chest.

"But can I be selfish for once? Please wait for me.. Please wait for my return. And don't fall in love with someone else unless it's me. Just the thought of you loving another man kills me. If you're going to fall in love someday please let it be with me.."

Even if Narae doesn't have feelings for him, her heart ached for him. She feels she doesn't deserve him. Yes, that's what she thinks and she wishes nothing but the best for him always.

"Oppa, you know what? Even if I go to the ends of the Earth, I know that no one will love me like you do. And even if I fall in love someday, I will always know there's no such man on this planet that I can trust rather than you. So please go, make your parents proud.. Enjoy your life in Seoul.."

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One week had passed since Taehyung's departure from Daegu. Narae stood in the kitchen, washing the dishes. Hwayoung stood beside her, watching with a curious expression.

"Did you miss him?" She asked, referring to Taehyung as she played with her nails.

"Are you interested in helping me out here instead? Please go dry up the plates.." Narae shot back, rolling her eyes in annoyance. This was being the ninth time, Hwayoung had asked the same question.

"I applied nail polish minutes ago, it's not dry yet-"

"HWAYOUNG?! NARAE! ONE OF YOU BRING US SOME TEA! MRS.KIM IS HERE!" Boksun Ajumma ordered from the living room, cutting them off.

"It's Taehyung's mother! You make the tea! Score some points for yourself BYE!!" Hwayoung suddenly ran off.

"Aish! That crazy rotten potato Park Hwayoung! She's really crossing her limits!" Narae gritted her teeth in anger and frustration.

A few minutes later, Narae finally entered the living room, holding a tray with a freshly made cup of tea.

"Oh, thank you, Narae-ah.. Come join us.." Mrs.Kim said with a smile, gesturing her to sit with them. Narae smiled nervously, wanting to escape.

"Where is Hwayoung?" Boksun Ajumma asked.

"She is upstairs.." Narae replied, gesturing the stairs. Just as she was about to walk away, Taehyung's mother called out to her again.

"I told you to come sit with us!"

"But I have to do the dishes-"

"Come on, young lady! That can wait for a bit. Just sit with us.." Mrs.Kim insisted, while patting the seat beside her. And it's kind of disrespectful to reject an elder so Narae gave up.

"So, I was wondering if Narae and Hwayoung want to tag along with me to Busan this coming Wednesday." Narae's eyes widened as she looked at Boksun Ajumma, who also had a confused look plastered on her face.

"And why is that Mrs.Kim?" Boksun Ajumma asked, kind of nervous.

"My best friend and her husband own this big Industry there.. And they teach variety of things like how to make Hanbok, study languages, learn how to bake and many more. A lot of girls their age study there, and if you allow me, I'd like to take the girls. They learned so many things and I thought it would be a good opportunity for them.."

Hearing that, Narae kind of wished she could go there, instead of staying at home all day. Of course, she knew how to read and write, but she wished she would learn how to bake and stuffs. Learning how to make your own hanbok wasn't a bad idea too.

"I don't think I can afford to send them there.. The train to Busan is too expensive, and the admission must be high too.." Boksun Ajumma replied, feeling sorry for the girls.

"Boksun-ah! You don't have to worry about that! I can enroll them for free!" Mrs.Kim said.

"Oh no.. You can't do that! You know I have nothing to give you in return.."

"Aigoo, you don't have to repay me for the rest of your lives! I also come to think of these girls as my own, and my best friend is such a kind hearted woman. She will definitely understand! Perhaps she'll be pleased to have them!"

Boksun Ajumma stayed quiet, looking down. Even though she wasn't the real mother to these girls, she had raised them herself and wanted them to have everything they had ever wanted.

"I know you always wanted the best for them. You don't have to worry too much. I should have offered this sooner but I'm just so absent-minded.." Mrs.Kim added again. She's such a loving and humble woman.

"Do you want to go?" Boksun Ajumma suddenly asked Narae, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Umm, only if you allow me too.." Narae replied, praying in her mind that Boksun Ajumma would accept the offer.

"Ask Hwayoung if she wants to go and if she doesn't want to, you go with Mrs.Kim."

Narae widened her eyes in shock. Is she allowing it?! Just like that?

"That's great news! Thank you for trusting me Boksun-ah, you don't have to worry!" Mrs.Kim beamed.

"No, I should thank you for this instead.. Thank you so much.."

"It's nothing! By the way, I forgot to mention earlier.. The industry is known as The Hwanggeum Industry."

"The Hwanggeum Industry?"


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