Hey, Sister

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Hey Brother, there's an endless road to rediscover
Hey Sister, know the water's sweet, but blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

Hey Brother – Avicii


November 02, 2872, 18:47; The Last City

It was a little too early for the bar to be crowded, but there were enough people around to create a friendly atmosphere. Both Hunters sat comfortably, hoods down, happy to blend into the background. Over drinks Andal and Azra chatted about inconsequential things: the weather, what the House of Winter was up to, interesting things found on scouting patrols.

"Speaking of patrols," Andal said, "you running with anybody these days?" There was a spark of intense interest in his eyes.

Azra thought about it for a second. Jaren and Eider could hardly count. "There's a couple people I'll pick up with on occasion if the stars align, besides you all, but nothing permanent-like. Why'd you ask?"

The corners of his eyes crinkled in that way that meant he was smiling behind his glass. "Would you like something permanent?"

Her heart almost stopped in her chest. She'd only been around a few years. Sure, to join a pack early wasn't uncommon, but with Hunters this experienced? The Crew was downright legendary.

"You're asking me?"

He nodded.

Joy came. Then, the doubt. "Not to sound ungrateful or nothing, but, why now all of the sudden?"

He settled back in his chair with a sigh. "To be honest, we moved camp recently, and Cayde and Tevis were arguing about where you were going to sleep. Every mission I bring up, the first question is 'Where is it?' and the second question is 'Do we need Azra on this?' At this point it'd be less of a hassle, logistically speaking. I hate having to set up new comms channels all the time."

There must have been some disbelief on her face, because he leaned back forward over the table. "Listen. You've got a keen eye. You're dependable. Everyone trusts you to have their backs. You're young, yeah, but you have the makings of a great Hunter. Plus, that Arc staff is real handy when you've got two dozen Thrall crawling up your ass."

"I'll do it." The words were out of her mouth before she had time to consider them. As they hung in the air, she thought of the four of them. The way that Shiro was always up to watch the sunrise, no matter how late the night had been. Tevis' quiet companionship, his gruff exterior hiding a thoughtful and deliberate person. Cayde's almost childlike glee, the way he talked with his hands. The way Andal's voice would rumble when he was tired and the indulgent patience he had with all of the antics.

Her heart grew bold. She knew, with certainty, that this was the right decision. She nodded, mostly to herself.

That trademark grin peeked out from Andal's beard, and Andal pulled a scrap of red cloth from his pocket. "Finish your drink, then."


He led her through the streets blindfolded. They had gone for several minutes (and she was thoroughly lost,) when she thought to ask the question.

"So, where am I sleeping, then?"

He chuckled. "Between Cayde and Tevis. Shiro needs a break from being the buffer zone. Now shush."

The next few minutes were, to be honest, kind of boring. She already had no idea where they were. They went up stairs, down stairs, across metal catwalks, over concrete, under arches, and through crowds of people. Without her sight, Azra was forced to use her other senses to try and keep herself from stumbling over the frequent obstacles. Andal at least kept her from outright colliding with things.

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