oh!! :3...

14 0 6

guyz i think stannie iz a fry

ok seriously why do i feel like i'm loosing my friends.

like first off someone was kind enough to point out i wasn't talking in a gc called ^_^ or some shit like that and when i first responded i thought they were mad at me but then they said they were just tuning their guitar

i think i worry too much

i don't wanna become an overreacter

then i was talking in this other gc and yk how discord lets u react to things?

well someone was spelling out "KYS" and i didn't realize so i just followed along until someone we'll call ms cocaine pointed it out

i read the person's introducing website before and it said they don't like to be told to kys.

so then i apologized but i think they're still sad

and back to the first person once again i couldn't even save them from attempting...u can guess

i'm sorry i didn't really know what to process at that moment,, and oh fuck now i'm wondering if this is like guilt tripping

i ain't trynn guilt trip anyone dude how do i make that clear even if no one tells me that i am i jz wanna make that sure

why am i like this.

by any chance is it normal to feel sick to ur stomach like this? also literally the tiniest bit of shaking (not much tho it ain't major jz wanna make that clear)

it might be the coldness of my room

tsmskskfds at least i hope it is

also why tf am i making zm spelling errorz while writing thiz

im an autocorrecter thiz ain't right

insert airy shaking lmao /pos

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