Chapter 28 - Happiness? MINI MOVIE

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Chapter 21 - Happiness? [MINI MOVIE!]

[AUTHOR: Hellooo! Just wanted you to know that as the title suggests, this will be a mini movie! Parts will be labled like: [Start], [Rising action], [Climax], [Falling action] and [Resolution]! This will serve as a label so that the readers will know what part they are on now. Also, you might not remember Izumi or Sylvia. For Izumi, please refer to chapter 18: Green Flags. For Sylvia, refer to chapter 22: Singing Contest. Sylvia is Izumi's sister and another of Izana's mermaid friends. BEWARE OF THE DRAMA SINCE YOU WONT EXPECT ANY OF IT. Anyway, enjoy reading!]


The day of the wedding came, at last.. Everyone was excited for the event, wearing fancy suits. Even Izumi was invited since all mermaids had a human form. Izana was in a separate room with Ran, Rindo, Mikey, Sylvia and Izumi while Kakucho was with Mochi, Sanzu, Takeomi and Kokonoi.

"I have to wear a dress..? Can't I wear a suit-?" Izana started to regret letting Izumi shop for the clothes. "Ungrateful. I spent a lot of money on your wedding dress, you know?!" Izumi shouts as she styled Izana's wavy hair. "Well you should've thought first before spending all that money on my dress! I guess I'll just wear it.." Izana sighs and rolled his eyes. "Good!" Izumi replies as Sylvia fixed Mikey's hair since the Haitani brothers were already prepared.

Meanwhile, Kakucho was adjusting his suit in a different room, with Sanzu having to fix Kokonoi's long hair. "You look like an old grandma." Sanzu mocked Kokonoi, tying up Koko's hair and putting it in a bun. "Shut up, axolotl." Kokonoi flipped him off angrily with veins popping out from his forehead. "Can we not argue on Kakucho's wedding?" Mochi and Takeomi scolded the both of them in unison. "Fine." Sanzu rolls his eyes and pulled Kokonoi's hair playfully. "YOU LITTLE-" Kokonoi was about to throw some hands at the pink haired guy when he was stopped by an icy glare from Kakucho.


Kakucho was waiting for Izana, until the doors opened and his eyes were greeted by Izana in a wedding dress, holding a bouquet of flowers and a veil on his head. Izumi and Sylvia were on the brink of crying since their best friend was finally getting married. And of course, Mikey because his step brother was getting married to Kakucho, and was a month pregnant. Everyone watched Izana as he walked on the aisle carefully. After Izana reached Kakucho, the priest decided to speak. “Love has brought Kakucho and Izana and everyone in this room together today, to celebrate nothing other than their wedding. "Kakucho, you may now speak your wedding vows." The wedding officiant turned to Kakucho and nodded. "I Kakucho, take you, Izana to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Kakucho warmly smiled at Izana with slight tears in his eyes. "Izana, you may now speak your vows." The wedding officiant let Izana speak next. "I, Izana  vow that we will be a family forever.." Izana finished, looking into Kakucho's eyes tenderly. The both continued with their speech. "We will create a kingdom.. And not even death will do us part." Kakucho held Izana's cheek, focusing on him and him only. "Kakucho. Do you take Izana Kurokawa to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." Kakucho still faced Izana with a smile. "Izana. Do you take Kakucho to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do.." Izana replied, looking into the eyes of Kakucho. "Does anyone here right now feels that this couple should not be bonded together by love? Speak now or forever hold your peace." The offciant said, facing everyone. The room was quiet with only small cries of happiness. "You may now kiss your husband, Kakucho." The wedding officiant then spoke as Kakucho nodded and leaned in. He lifts Izana's chin and kisses him on the lips sweetly. Everyone clapped and cheered in joy, watching them. Later, Izana threw the bouquet and literally everyone wanted to catch it. As in EVERYONE. Izana tossed it in the air and people were arguing and pushing eachother until one caught it, Ran Haitani. "I GOT IT, SUCKERS!!!" Ran cackled and waved the bouquet as Kakucho and Izana laughed at the quarrelling bunch.

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