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"You did what?" A voice came from the door and Tom froze.

"Thomas Marvolo Riddle," Severus said, stepping into the room, "What did you just say?"

"My love," Tom said, finally looking at the other man. "I wasn't expecting you today," He said, standing and moving to the man, who, as soon as he got close enough, pressed his wand against his neck.

"I swear, Tom." Severus growled, "If you hurt him I'll make you feel it even worse than he did,"

"I didn't hurt the kid," Tom said, rolling his eyes and snatching Severus's wand. "He's in your guest room next to ours if you want to make sure." He finished and Severe turned and left the room.

"Fuck," Tom said, as the man exited the room."Lucius, Draco, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Let's go," He said and followed Severus's path.

They made it to the guest bedroom and entered to find Severus checking Harry over. When he saw Tom enter he glared at him.

"I thought I told you to leave Harry to me?" He asked and Tom shrugged his shoulders.

"I saw an opportunity, and I took it," Tom said in return, and Severus glared at him.

"You're lucky he's just unconscious or you'd be sleeping in your office for a month, seeing as he's fine. It'll just be for the week, and no sex," Severus said and Tom gaped at him.

"What, no," He whined and the other men behind him chuckled, causing him to glare back at them.

"I told you I would get him on our side Tom, and it was working. All I had to do was tell him the truth and he was already losing faith in the Order," Severus said, sitting on the bed beside the unconscious Potter.

"Well, when he wakes up, you can tell him some more truth, but he's not leaving," Tom said, and Severus rolled his eyes.

"Oh, fuck," Rabastan said causing everyone in the room to look at him. "Sorry," He mumbled when he noticed them staring. They looked away, and Lucius moved over to Tom and Severus, and they started talking.

"Rodo," Rabastan whispered to his brother, who raised a brow at him. "Look at Potter," he said, and Rodolphus, who had only glanced at the boy when he came in, looked over at him.

His eyes went from his unruly curly hair to the scar on his forehead to the oddly familiar clothes, and then to the Sapphire bracelet, then to the shoes, but Rodolphus's brain stopped working as his eyes flashed back to the bracelet on his wrist.

"Oh Fuck," He said, and once again, everyone turned to look over to where they stood. But he ignored them. He slowly walked towards Harry until he got to the edge of the bed and lifted up his hand to examine the bracelet, confirming it was the same one he was currently wearing.

He heard a gasp and looked up at Severus while looking at him. "So it's you who he's been meeting?" He asked and Rodolphus frowned.

"You...you knew?" He asked and Severus shook his head.

"I knew he was meeting someone, I didn't know it was you," He said.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Lucius spoke up and Rodolphus sighed.

Rodolphus then told them about what was going on between him and Harry.

"I don't know it was him; he didn't look like Potter when we met up," He finished, and Severus picked up Harry's other hand and showed them a different bracelet.

"That is because of this," he said. "It helps him change his image. He can change one or all of his features by just putting a little magic in them," Severus explained.

"I see," Rodolphus said, finally dropping Harry's hand and taking a step back. "I'm going to head back home; it's late," he said before walking out of the room.

"I hope it works out for them when Harry wakes up," Rabastan said, "He was so happy with him." He finished.

"Rodolphus deserves better than that bitch he's married to," Lucius agreed.

"Harry was happier with him too," Severus said.

"And after all that Albus put him through, I think he deserves someone as good as Rodolphus," Tom added.

"So, we'll help if things aren't working out?" Draco asked from where he was pressed against Rabastan's side, and everyone in the room nodded.


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Word count: 704

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 3 pm

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