Chapter 21: Advice

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General Matt saw Eleanor talking to an elderly man named Nelson from his house, he storme towards her.

"Eleanor! How could you? I caught you with that elderly man, Nelson! What were you thinking?"

Eleanor stammers, her voice trembling.

General Matt, I... I can explain. Nelson is just a friend. We were having a harmless conversation.

Matt grits his teeth, 'A harmless conversation, you say? I saw the way he looked at you, Eleanor. I won't tolerate such behavior. You should know better."

Eleanor's eyes dart around nervously. General Matt's anger seems to escalate.

"Come, Eleanor. Let's step outside for a moment. I invite you for a cup of tea on the porch. Perhaps some fresh air will help clear your mind."

Eleanor follows General Matt to the porch, her body language defensive and guarded.

They take a seat on the weathered wooden chairs, facing each other

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They take a seat on the weathered wooden chairs, facing each other.

Matt spoke, "A cup of tea?"

"It's hot out here, are you brainless?"

"Eleanor, you've been giving us a rude attitude lately. I won't stand for it. You know how much I care for you, but you must understand that your actions have consequences."

Eleanor rolls her eyes, her stubbornness evident.

"Oh, please, General Matt. Spare me the lecture. I'm perfectly capable of handling my own affairs."

General Matt's face turns stern again, his voice filled with authority.

"Listen to me, Eleanor! Life is not a game. You can't force your way into things without considering the repercussions. Your choices have consequences, not just for you but for those around you."

Matt was frustrated that he still can't make her listen, "Eleanor, you can't keep denying that you did anything wrong. You were rude the entire time! No wonder why everyone hates you!"

Eleanor scoffed, "I don't see why I should have to apologize for anything. It's not my fault if they can't handle a little honesty."

Matt's frustration turns into disappointment as he searches for the right words.

"It's not about them, Eleanor. It's about you. You didn't even bother to spend time with your own father. He's been waiting for this visit for months, and you barely acknowledged him. He died in a war!"

Eleanor rolls her eyes, her defensive posture growing stronger.

"Oh, poor father, waiting for his precious daughter. Maybe he should have died earlier, before he cheated on my mother with some peasant"

Matt's eyes widen in shock at Eleanor's callous words. He takes a step back, hurt and taken aback by her cruel response.

"That's enough, Eleanor! How can you say something so heartless? No matter what happened between your parents, he's still your father. Show some respect."

Eleanor's eyes narrow, and her voice drips with disdain.

"Respect? He lost that privilege a long time ago. Don't expect me to pretend everything's fine just because he's in the room."

Matt's disappointment turns into frustration once again, and he shakes his head.

"I can't believe you, Eleanor. You're so consumed by your own anger that you can't see how your actions affect others. Your father won't be around forever, and you'll regret these moments you're wasting."

Eleanor remains defiant, unmoved by Matt's plea.

"Well, maybe I won't regret it. Maybe it's better this way. I don't owe him anything."

Matt looks at Eleanor, hurt and defeated, realizing that their conversation has reached an impasse.

"I can't make you see reason if you're not willing to. But remember, Eleanor, relationships require effort from both sides. Think about what you're throwing away."

Matt turns and walks away, leaving Eleanor sitting alone.

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